Tag Archives: concept

How to Claim Your Casino Bonus

The connotations attached to the word bonus, often bring about a shadow of mistrust. Many raise their eye-brows, or shake their heads, a pointed finger outstretched and wagging, openly defiant to the notion of a free reward, free money. However, the casino bonus is a concept of credible legitimacy.

But, what do I have to do, you may ask, how much do I need to pay?

There’s no need for any averseness or disinclination when embracing the concept of a bonus and claiming your own. For a casino bonus is merely additional money paid to you as incentive for making certain bets and playing casino games on certain sites. And wasn’t engaging in these games and making bets your original intent, in the first place? It is merely a credit paid to you for playing the games you love.

Many casinos offer bonuses to potential players before they even set virtual footstep inside that casino. There are sign-up bonuses where just by being a new gamer, you get a reward. There are bonuses awarded for continuing to play at a certain casino or the individual games it has on offer. There are even referral bonuses, where you get rewarded for telling a friend and getting them to sign-up, too.

Claiming a Bonus

There are, however, certain protocols to claiming a bonus that is owed to you.

Firstly, any notion of a bonus automatically appearing in your account should be banished straight off the bat. A bonus is an incentive to you for picking that casino, or playing that game, or making a bet over a certain amount for another. A bonus may even be paid for playing a certain game for a predetermined length of time, and even for a particular number of hands, in games like poker or blackjack. Only once you have fulfilled one of these requirements, will a bonus be granted. And then, that money is yours. You may cash it out or continue to bet, the choice is yours.

Another protocol that may be implemented by any given casino involves the initial starting deposit. Sometimes the bonus will be tied in to your starting deposit and to claim that bonus, you may have to bet a certain percentage of your deposit. The amount differs with each casino and so will the bonus amount.

The reason for these protocols are that any respectable casino is willing to offer you incentive for choosing that casino and playing its games, however, they cannot risk the involvement of certain unscrupulous players who may seek to exploit the sacred concept of the bonus by joining, and withdrawing as soon as they’ve received theirs. Therefore, a system of wager and reward has been implemented. Any player that fits the requirements and procedures above receives a bonus, no questions asked.

So quash that doubt, smother that hesitation, lower those eyebrows and stop wagging that finger. A Casino Bonus is a veritable concept. Sure, you may have to meet certain requirements to receive one, but those requirements are tied in to the overall experience of the online game, and joined to procedures you would have engaged in anyway. With a bonus, however, the chances of reward are so much greater.

How to Win At Casino Gambling Using "The Law of Attraction"

The concept of metaphysics in casino play is not a new one. Those who truly understand it can reap huge benefits while those who ignore it can sometimes be subject to mere “chance”. In this lesson, we’ll discuss a few key concepts that you can try for yourself. Interestingly enough, though some of these concepts may seem a bit esoteric, they’re quite practical in ways that might really surprise you. The “Law of Attraction” is considered a basic, viable universal law that has proven itself, consistently, with those who practice it. The law states: that which you focus on, will manifest itself in your reality. Now, many people believe in this concept in a superficial way (“Sure – you get what you wish for, or are afraid of.”). But only a small percentage of those people can turn that law into an everyday pathway to successful endeavors. In this lesson, we’re going to take a look at how the law pertains to Casino Gaming. Trust me – this isn’t just “positive thinking”. It’s the practical application of a proven, acknowledged universal concept. Ready? Let’s begin.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Items Needed: The willingness to look at things in a positive new light.

Step 1:

The Jackpot Jar

The first thing that you need to consider, when accessing energy, in order to aid you at the casino, is the role of “positive” vs. “negative”. One type of energy will help you and the other will hinder your efforts. Needless to say, playing with money that you can’t afford to lose (bill or rent money) is an immediate source of stress which creates negative energy. Never do this! Your fear of losing needed funds will draw that exact probability directly to you.

A cool way to begin creating your own reality is by starting a “Jackpot Jar”. Carefully (and with no outside distractions) create a jar with large colorful letters (blues and greens are best – avoid red) that say “JACKPOT” on its’ side. The word “JACKPOT” will serve as a subliminal positive message that the money inside is intended for “jackpots”. Now place your jar in a convenient location and throw in your extra change along with a few dollars every week – until you have the desired funds in which to bring to the casino. You have now taken the first step towards a positively energized, focused casino experience.