Tag Archives: community

S Dakota Cowboy Wins Powerball Jackpot

S Dakota Cowboy Wins Powerball Jackpot

Ranching in South Dakota can be a pretty hardscrabble existence. Severe weather conditions, uncertain rainfall, drastic changes in temperature can make ranching uncertain at best. South Dakota remains one of the poorest states in America. In an astounding turn of events a rancher too poor to afford a phone has just won a $232 million Powerball jackpot.

Neal Wanless a 23 year old rancher joins the ranks of some of the biggest lottery winners in history. Mr. Wanless is an extremely hard working young man who has struggled to help his family make ends meet. Wanless, who is single, lives with his parents on a 230 acre cattle ranch near Mission, South Dakota. Wanless will take home $88 million after taxes and plans to continue ranching. The Wanless family had fallen on hard times; last year a mobile home was repossessed and records show the family is $3,552 behind in their property taxes.

Wanless took a chance and bought $15 worth of lottery tickets at a store in Winner S.D. while on a trip into town to buy livestock feed.

Neighbor Dave Assman (real name) said, “They’ve been real short on finances for a long time. They are from real meager means, I guess you’d say.” Cathy Vrbka, the county assessor, expressed her good wishes for the family and said, “I hope they enjoy their money. They work hard, backbreaking hard work.”

Wanless expresses his appreciation to his community and plans to use some of his winnings to benefit his community. “My family has been helped by the community, and I intend to repay that help many times over,” said a grateful Wanless. It should be noted that people in the rural west have a very strong sense of community and the well wishers are numerous. Everyone in the community seems happy for the Wanless family but now that Wanless is a multi millionaire how long he will stay single is anybody’s guess. It is truly heartwarming to read of a deserving family finally getting a break.

For rural states like S Dakota the sale of online lottery tickets could be a blessing to lottery players. In states like S. Dakota lottery players may have to drive a considerable distance to the nearest lottery retailer. Most states that allow players to buy lotto tickets online report an increase in sales. Players in rural states could log on to their state lottery site and make an online lottery purchase without leaving the comfort of home. Online lottery tickets are clearly the wave of the future.

Roulette System Reviews: Roulette Systems : Money Maker Machine Roulette Forum

The best worldwide roulette player community

So let start this article which goal is to find the best one or several roulette players communities. In order to do this all we should do is to use a search engine and to search for special keywords. I don’t know how other but I prefer Google. So I started. First of all what mean a community? I think every community should have at least a forum where members discuss and the most important not do only advertising or talk about nothing. Like always I think the best community should follow it main goal and this mean to work in order to develop methods that will bring profit for their members while playing in online casinos.

So one of the keyword we will use will be “the best online roulette community support” The other I recommend should be “the best roulette tools” And the last which I consider enough let be “free open source roulette systems” and “open source online roulette projects”

After this all we should do is to verify which of the sites we received from search engine belong to all search terms.

I don’t know what you will find buy I found only one. At least there are no more then 2-3 important sites which I recommend to all for investigations.

I am here in order to search for the best roulette tools so I will pay attention only to results returned by search engine for next keywords “the best roulette tools”

Why? First of all because I never paid for any type of roulette systems and I like to get them or for free or always to develop my own roulette system so I will be sure always what it do.

Also I know that any professional roulette player don’t use or buy any roulette systems but develop his own. Sure this is not an easy task but finally the most important is that it is not an impossible task, this is why all professional roulette players use different roulette tools for this and the most important I consider that I need the best roulette tools.

So I found a site that can provide me with the best roulette tools and as add-on to them I will receive more then 3000 pre-made free roulette systems.

Should I use these free roulette systems? No I am not planning to use them but I plan to learn from them.

Beside this I see a great community and the most important is that on this site people do the work and everyday are performed different tests most of them in real money mode.

What else I like here? Sure one of the most important features is real money simulator module that will allow me to test any of my strategies in real money mode without to risk any $.

So what we have till now? For now I see next base features like: the best roulette tools, free open source roulette systems, the best online roulette community support, open source online roulette projects.

I think this is it and this community is what I need so I will stop here.

If you want to know about what I talk then all you should do is to enter on Google and to search by one of next keywords: “the best roulette tools”, “free open source roulette systems”, “the best online roulette community support”, “open source online roulette projects”.

Believe me you never will be disappointed. If you have any questions at all, just click on the Contact Us link to get in touch with us. We will always reply to every email we receive. For more information visit the official Money Maker Machine website!