Tag Archives: column

A Roulette System

A couple of years ago, I was really into Roulette. I’m more of a Poker player these days, (I’ll get to why I switched in a minute) but a couple of years ago, I did nothing but study Roulette. I knew it was an unbeatable game. Even Einstein said it was unbeatable. But I had an idea. I think that when most people say Roulette is unbeatable, including Einstein, they mean that there is no way to play the game in a way that will guarantee you victory, which is true. (except for maybe cheating) I also knew that there are people who have made a lot of money playing Roulette for a living, (without cheating) and I thought to myself, haven’t they in a sense beaten Roulette? They didn’t have a fool proof means of guaranteeing victory, but they found a way to win more often than lose, and in my opinion, if you can consistently win at any game, not just Roulette, but any game, you’ve beaten that game. From that point of view, I say Roulette can be beaten, and in a minute, I’d like to share with you a system I used to win consistently at Roulette.

First though, if I know how to win at Roulette, why would I switch to Poker? The answer is simple really. I got bored of it. When I set out to beat Roulette, I did so because for the challenge of beating an unbeatable game. It intrigued me. Once the excitement of the challenge was gone, Roulette reverted back to being a very basic and repetitive game. I think the reason most people like Roulette is for the excitement of trying to win money. I don’t gamble to win money. I only gamble if the game is fun and Roulette just wasn’t fun anymore once I felt I had conquered the challenge. Although, that train of thought doesn’t apply to everyone. My Mother for example loves Slots, but never gambles on Slots. She buys Slot games for her computer and plays for hours just for the love of the game. I think Slots is the most boring game on the planet. Even when money is on the line it’s still boring. She loves it though. To each their own I guess. That’s why I switched to Poker though. It’s just more fun in my opinion. Even when playing in practice mode it’s still fun. It’s not quite as exciting as playing for money, but I find it’s one of those games that’s fun no matter what. Roulette doesn’t have that quality.

But I’m rambling now, which isn’t the point of this article. The point is to help any Roulette players who still enjoy the game to become successful at winning. So if you’ve been patient enough to read this far, let’s get down to it, shall we?

Aside from the system itself, there are other factors that come into play that are integral to your success. We’ll cover those first as the system is useless without these factors.

First things first, always play at a European table because they only have one 0 as opposed to two on the American style table. This will lower the house edge and up your odds. Next, play online instead of a land casino. This is because the minimum bets are lower online which is an advantage for you, and also there are no distractions when playing online and no time limits. Also, always play at a private table. Next, and this is really important, set time and money limits for yourself. Examples of this are set a one hour time limit. Once the hour is up, stop for the day. Whether you’re winning or losing, stop. For money limits, have a specific amount that you’re willing to lose in the hopes of winning. Your best bet is to be willing to lose twice the amount you want to win. If you want to win $250, be willing to lose $500. Never go over the limits you set for yourself no matter what, but don‘t be afraid to quit while your ahead before you reach your limits if you feel you‘re on a losing streak. And last but not least, Always play sober. Drinking impairs your judgement, and when your judgement’s impaired, you’ll make mistakes. Mistakes are the last thing you want when you’re putting your money on the line.

Now that we’ve covered these important factors, let’s move on to the system itself.

It’s a pretty simple and straightforward system that’s actually two systems combined into one. The first part of the system is this; There are 3 columns in roulette that pay 2 to 1. One column has 8 black squares and 4 red squares. Another has 6 black squares and 6 red squares. And the last one has 8 red squares and 4 black squares. This is the column were going to focus on for now. On each red square in this column, place $1 and place $1 on 0 as well. On each of the other 2 columns, place $9 on the columns themselves. Over all, you should have $27 on the table now. If the ball lands anywhere on the two columns where you bet $9, you’ll win $27, and break even. You can only win or lose on the last column, which is the beauty of this strategy, because in the column, you can win on 9 different spots, (the 8 red squares and 0) and you’ll only lose on 4 spots. (the 4 black squares) This means you’re more than twice as likely to win as you are to lose. However, the winnings are low and very slow in building up. When you win, you’ll be up $9. When you lose, you’re down $27 which is what slows you down. When you lose, it’s very easy to win back your losses because you win much more often than you lose, but it’s having to win back those losses that makes this a slow strategy. This is where part 2 comes in.

While you’re playing the above strategy, you’re going to be watching which numbers have been coming up in the corner of the screen and keeping track of the dozens and columns that are appearing. It’s not hard to keep track of them because you can take as much time as you need, but if you want, you can use a pen and paper to keep track just in case. What you’re watching for is when one of the columns or dozens doesn’t appear for at least 7 times in a row. Once this happens, you’re going to stop using the first part of the system, and change your bet. You’re going to start by betting $10 on the dozen or column that didn’t appear for at least 7 turns. If you win, the pay is 2 to 1 so you’ll get $30 back, the $10 you bet and $20 in winnings. Once you’ve won, go back to part one of the system and repeat the process. If you lose the $10 bet, you have to keep going using a martingale betting progression that looks like this;

$10, $14, $18, $27, $41, $61, $90, $135, and $200

Don’t be intimidated by these high bets. You’ve already let one of the columns or dozens go by at least 7 times. Each of the above bets will win back all previous losses plus give you a profit. So for you to actually lose money, the column or dozen you’re betting on would have to not show itself for 16 spins in a row. (the 7 you already let go by plus 9 bets on top of that) It is extremely unlikely for a column or dozen to not show itself that many times in a row. You’ll very rarely see it happen, and by the time it does happen, you’ll have won so many times you’ll easily be able to afford the loss, and you’ll still be up. If you do make it as high as the $200 bet, you have to make a judgement call. Each time you increase your bet, the profit you receive gets smaller. The $200 bet is the only bet in the progression that doesn’t make you a profit. It only wins back your losses, so if you make it that high you can’t go any higher as you’ll hit the table limit. It’s your last shot. You win, you break even and you’re back to square one. You lose, your down a few hundred dollars, $200 more than you would have been if you stopped at the $135 bet. (Hey, I said the system had an excellent success rate, I never said it came without risk)

Well, that’s it. I made a lot of money with this system before I couldn’t stand playing that boring game anymore. If you do still like playing Roulette, I hope this helps.

Good luck!

About The Game Of Bingo

There are many variations of the original bingo game. Various online versions exist but the original bingo game is in a class of its own, and without a doubt, is irreplaceable. The word ‘BINGO’ originates from the words ‘Bean’ and ‘Go’. This game was usually played with beans and stones and every time a player would complete a card, he would shout ‘Bean Go’ which then, later became ‘Bingo’.

Bingo is a table game in which players would purchase a bingo card with usually 75 random numbers. The player then pulls out numbered balls from a rotating bingo bin and if the player strikes a draw, he would mark the number in his bingo card until a certain pattern is completed. This is when the player would shout “BINGO’!

In the latest version of the game, the bingo card would contain five columns with a letter of the word “BINGO’ printed on each column. Each column would contain only those numbers that are relative to its position, meaning that column ‘1’ would contain numbers ranging between one to fifteen and column ‘2’ would contain numbers ranging from sixteen to thirty and so on and so forth. The Bingo card would therefore have 25 numbers in all (five numbers each for every column) and the numbers would range from one to seventy five. The players would continue to draw these numbered balls from the bingo bin until one of the players can match five drawn numbers with the numbers on his or her bingo card either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Bingo shares similarities with poker and lottery but it would not be unfair to say that it has a certain profoundness of its own. Bingo usually used to be played in church settings to raise funds for donations but today it’s played in huge casinos and now it has even earned its way into the online world.

Unlike common belief bingo is not a very old game, in fact, if compared with its counterparts; poker, lottery and roulette, it’s pretty new. But, having said that, Bingo has gained ‘wild-fire’ popularity during its relatively young life span.

Bingo is considered to be a game of politeness, good-manners and courtesy. In fact, bingo is the only online game in which bets are not taken. It is a game of few rivalries which is played in a very friendly setting where players enjoy each others company as much as they enjoy playing the game itself.