Tag Archives: college

Online Poker is Diversifying. Is Strip Poker Next?

Poker – The Rise of a Game . Is Strip Poker Next?Poker, that growing behemoth that has swept through North America and the rest of the world is diversifying. It is not just the pros anymore and gambling enthusiasts that are playing the game, but- college students, grandmothers, mothers, fathers, and everything in between. Half the world is playing the game, the other half is watching the poker players play the game. What is interesting is that this 200-year-old game, has finally caught the publics attention. People are playing poker due to the rise of the no limit Texas hold em format, but they are also playing other formats- omaha, stud, and strip poker. Now while these poker games are not new, a whole new audience has taken to them. These days, home poker games- usually of the hold em variety, but other forms of poker (omaha, stud, and strip poker) are catching on- charity poker tournaments, and government sanctioned casino poker are attracting huge audiences both online and off. In fact, poker in all its various forms is the fastest growing leisure activity worldwide. Who is in the game? Chances are, you are. Television has been the greatest influence in the rise; or so people would like to believe. The argument can be made that the game itself without the help of television, had grown to proportions that television could no longer ignore. An argument can be made that the game could not have grown to these levels without television. Some day, some bright game theorist will resolve the question, just as some day, some bright biologist will resolve the “chicken or the egg” question- might be a mighty long wait. The hottest form of the game, may well be strip poker – see

Five Ways the Lottery Improves Your Community and You

The lottery has been around for a very long time. As early as ancient Rome, governments have recognized the potential of the lottery to raise money for the good of the system and the good of the people. Despite its opposition, with many calling it a “tax on the poor” or a gateway to gambling and corruption, the lottery continues to do good for all communities that adopt it.

Here are five ways you will never hear the dissenters mention for how the lottery actually improves the world around you and makes for a much better life, not just for the one, but for the good of all:

1. School scholarships and education: Education is an incredibly expensive racket. At least it can feel like a racket if you have ever known the feeling of paying for your son or daughter’s college education, or even a “small-ticket” item such as the several hundred dollar price tag your child will encounter when buying a full-time palette of books for the upcoming semester. The lottery quickly raises surplus funds for the education of our youth, and makes it possible for more kids to continue their education beyond high school, a much-needed accomplishment your children will need in the world of tomorrow.

2. City infrastructure: The infrastructure of a city is vital to its success. After all, residents need nice roads to travel and efficient roadways for their daily commutes to work – not to mention that roadwork puts more people to work who might otherwise be obtaining government assistance or working lower paying jobs and contributing less to the local economy. The lottery is one of the surest moneymakers that a government can undertake to raise funds for a costly, and much-needed, infrastructure overhaul.

3. Lower taxes: If the government shows greater surplus, then it needs less in taxpayer revenue. That means more citizens keep more of their money, and everybody wins. The lottery is a great way to bring this about, and it has been doing so for thousands of years.

4. Security: There is more than one type of security that a society needs to operate efficiently and successfully. Whether it is security at home, security abroad, or security in the workplace, then the lottery can deliver. The lottery often makes it possible for your military to have the funds they need for gear, protection, and manpower. The same can be said of your local police force. Last but not least, the lottery creates a different kind of security by creating a stable economy that solidifies jobs and puts more people to work.

5. Lucky winners: On an individual level, one scratch of the ticket or pull of a lucky number can create a whole new way of life for the lucky winners. Imagine being able to pay off your car, your college education, or your home, with one lucky draw. And lotteries are not always about the big payday. You can win a little here and there to pay for gas, groceries, or Christmas presents. Many people do not give the lottery credit for just how many winners it does produce.

If your residence already has the lottery, then you know the many benefits it provides. If not, then maybe one day, that will change. Good luck!