Tag Archives: climate change lottery

International Climate Change Lottery a Possibility

Lotteries are popular around the world and provide funding for a wide variety of government programs, charities, veterans groups and many other organizations. Despite the ongoing global recession lotteries continue to do well and make a profit. In the US most states operate lotteries and there are two major multi state lotteries, Powerball and Mega Millions. Several countries have national lotteries such as the UK and Canada. In Europe the cross border lottery EuroMillions is popular and offers huge tax free jackpots. So far no one has implemented a global lottery but that may change if participants at the next climate change meeting in Cancun Mexico have their way.

The idea of a global lottery has been around since the 1970’s and is has been estimated that the global lottery market is worth about $126 billion dollars a year with gross profits amounting to $62 billion dollars a year. Climate change is a controversial topic in many countries but proponents of the global lottery say that it could fund a wide variety of research projects. Revenue generated by the climate change lottery would be channeled to one or many climate research funds.

There are several hurdles that would have to be overcome. Opposition from established government sanctioned lotteries is almost certain. It has been estimated that the global lottery could siphon profits from other lotteries to the tune of $6.2 billion dollars a year resulting in diminished profits for state and national lotteries. Political opposition from any of the first world countries could easily kill any lottery deal. In some countries religious concerns could prevent participation in a global lottery and ethical concerns would have to be addressed.

A global climate change lottery would attract many people who do not normally participate in state and national lotteries. Climate change is a hot topic and many have strong views in favor of climate research and would probably participate and buy lottery tickets for a climate change lottery. The sale of tickets for the climate change lottery would have to be addressed. In Europe, New Zealand and Australia players can purchase online lottery tickets but in the US recently passed online gaming laws and vague regulations could pose a problem for ticket sales.

Some proponents of the climate change lottery have suggested using the EuroMillions lottery as a model for the global climate change lottery. EuroMillions is a joint multi nation lottery where the bets of participants in nine countries are pooled into a larger jackpot. An International Climate Change Lottery could be a step in the right direction and would not cost taxpayers a dime!