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Learn PLO8 Strategy from One Of The World's Premier Players

Time to get my “brag” on… PLO8 is my game. I have consistently been ranked in the top 1% in the world of online players in PLO8. I have played over 20,000 PLO8 tournaments and have learned the game every step of the way.

MuckItForMe (Party Poker up until end of 2006)
ChiCubbies07 (Full Tilt after Party Poker banned US players 2006)
These statistics do NOT include cash games and sit and go tournaments.

There are so many aspects to consider to play winning PLO8. I believe it is the easiest game to take advantage of bad players. It is also a poker game with an extremely low luck factor. You will see primarily the best PLO8 players in the money in a PLO8 tournament. Unlike hold em, there will be very few bad players that get lucky and advance… and the ones that do will stand very little chance against the sharks they are now in the water with.

I will limit this blog to the 3 most important topics to master to become a winning player at PLO8.

1. Hand Selection
2. Pot Control
3. Nut Game
4. Putting Your Chips In The Pot In Hopes To get Them Back.


When I first started playing hold em, I was given the advice that hold em was a high card game…. PERIOD! It was the best hold em advice that I could get as a beginning player.

Allow me to give you this advice on PLO8: It is primarily a low card game… PERIOD!

Quality Starting Hands
A-2-x-x (with suited ace)
2-3-4-5 (Muck when no ace and other low card is flopped)
2-3-4-x (fold when no ace and other low card hits the flop)
Any four cards between a 10 and ace

In a dealt omaha hi lo hand there is a 60% chance of a low being possible by the river…  there will be 3 or more different cards 8 or lower on the board.
2 Low Cards (example A-2-J-Q), probability of making a low by river = 24%
3 Low Cards (example A-3-4-K) probability of making a low by river = 40%
4 Low Cards (example 3-4-7-8)  probability of making a low by river = 49%
If you are constantly playing cards without low possibilities and missing draws, you will deplete your chips in no time. If you are drawing give yourself the opportunity to win part of the pot when you miss your high hand draw but still complete the low. Furthermore, when you play high hands and draw and get lucky and hit your draw, all too often the low will complete also and you will not actually increase your chip stack by constantly splitting pots with the low.

In the late stages of a tournament, when the blinds are big, I am looking primarily to play two way hands (two big cards and two little cards preferably double suited or at least single suited.)

Many players will like this hand in the late stages of the tournament. Personally, I do not.

You have absolutely no flush potential. If you do make a low heads up against a raise, too often you will get quartered and lose chips to the same low and a better high.

Will I call a raise outside of the big blind with this hand? No. Will I call a small raise in the big blind? Yes, but I will proceed with extreme caution.


One of the biggest mistakes made by a novice player in a PLO8 tournament… or any pot limit tournament, is failure to understand the importance of controlling the size of the pot.

I have talked about survival strategy repeatedly on this website and posts. You MUST employ a survival strategy to be successful at PLO8. In order to survive, you must always keep the pot within reasonable limits to pursue draws. PLO8 is a game of draws and calculating the math of draws, so keep pot size controlled until you end up with the nuts.

Early in a PLO8 tournament, I NEVER raise… EVER… I don’t care if I have AA23 double suited. I want people to come in and I will control the size of all pots to make sure I am still in the tournament towards the end.

Late in the tournament, I will raise several hands especially with position, but I will play wisely after the flop to prevent any pot from getting too large and being my demise.

A-2 with a big pair or double suited I will min raise, All other premium starting hands I will limp. AA2x or AA3x late in a tournament I will make a pot size raise preflop and take my chances of doubling up or getting knocked out, but these are pretty much the only hands I will take that chance with.


Omaha hi lo is a game of making the nuts… don’t put too many chips in the pot without it. REPEAT: OMAHA HI LO IS A NUT GAME! Low ends of straights, king high flushes, and non-nut full houses (occasionally top full houses) will often be the end of a bad player’s tournament.

How to play the nut low. NEWSFLASH: It is possible for more than one player to have the nut low.
The nut low, by itself, can be one of the biggest chip drainers in PLO8. All too often you will get 1/4 or 1/6th or even less of a monster pot which will cost you a ton of chips.

How to play a low draw? Check! If you only have the nut low draw and zero high draw, do not call a bet of any significant size… calling small bets is OK.

How to play when you flop the nut low? CHECK! If you have no high or potential for high. See how the action goes. Also, can your low be counterfeited where you could lose all of your chips and be out of the tournament after flopping the nut low and being too aggressive? Advantage, when the low is still good on the river, worse lows will usually pay you off… especially when they have the second nut low. They are SURE you would have bet the nut low already and now assume you only made a high hand.

How to play when you flop the nut low and either a made high or big high hand draw? BET! Value bet  because you want callers. bet enough to slowly build the pot so if you hit your high draw you can quarter the hell out of the other low 😉


Case study 1: You have AA47. The flop heads up comes A46 with 2 hearts. You bet and your opponent makes a pot size raise. What do you do?

Correct Answer: FOLD!

The low is made by your opponent. They have other draws straight and flush to go with the MADE low. You cannot ever gain chips in this pot t. If you continue in this hand, you will end up putting MANY or ALL of your chips into the pot and hoping to get lucky to get them back… YOU CANNOT WIN HERE! I will still fold this hand most times with 3 way action… although I will check this flop with 3 or more way action.

Case study 2: You have A45K with nut hearts. Again you are heads up. The flop comes 864  with 2 hearts. Your opponent bets pot. What do you do?

Correct Answer: FOLD!

The nut low is already made. Bottom line here, you are on a flush draw to try to get lucky to get your chips back. Once again, (in the vast majority of instances)you cannot win here. In a multi way pot with a reasonable size bet, I will at least see the turn card in this scenario.

If you are now saying to yourself, “Wow, you do a lot of folding until you make the nuts!”…

CONGRATULATIONS! You now understand PLO8 tournament strategy.

Texas Holdem Betting Strategies

Texas Holdem Betting Strategies
When you throw out Texas Holdem betting strategies from the poker table, Hold em is nothing more than a game of luck. Notwithstanding, when the monies are down holdem turns out to be a game of skill and mental toughness

The game of Hold’em requires two forced bets (per round) called the big blind and small blind. When the action comes around to you in a clockwise progression, you have one of four choices:

1. Bet – When you are “under the gun,” you place an amount of chips equal to the big blind. This goes into the pot.
2. Call – Calling is matching the total amount of the prior bet.
3. Raise – To call a raise requires you first match what another player bet. Afterward you can “raise” to whatever amount you choose.
4. Fold – To fold is simply dropping out of a hand. Nothing to win. Nothing to lose.

As soon as you are seated at the poker table, you will quickly see there are two extreme bettors.

1. Manic – The Maniac pushes the action, whether he has a hand or not. At first, the Maniac is quick to double or triple his chip stack. After all is said and done, the need for action often leaves the Maniac knocked out of tournaments or reloading his account.

2. Passive – The Rock often checks or calls and never raises unless he has a monster hand. Due to his lack of aggressiveness, the Rock constantly loses chips and is sooner or later out of the tournament and having to replenish his account.

Texas Holdem betting is not just throwing chips into the pot, or paying to see the flop. Actually, there is a strategy, which should be involved. David Sklansky said there are five reasons why you place a bet:

1. You want to get more chips in the pot.
2. You want to drive other players out.
3. You want to bluff (or semi-bluff).
4. You want to get a free card.
5. You want more information on the other player (s).

Here are five poker betting strategies you can use to improve your Texas holdem poker play.

1. Value Bet: With the feeler bet, you are prodding for information. The feeler bet will always let you know where you stand in the hand. If you never bet, you will never know what your challengers are holding. It is for this purpose you use it to get a “feel” for the strength of your hand also the strength of your opponents hand.

2. Stealing the Blinds: A strategy worth developing in poker is taking down uncontested blinds and pots! Stealing the blinds over time will win you more money than you will lose. There some things you should consider before you begin stealing the blinds is the type of players at the table, your own table image, sensing weakness at the table and the size of the bet.

3. Check Raise: This is also known as trapping. The check raise works by acting weak in hopes of hiding your strength. With any luck, this will prompt a bluff or at least a misinformed bet from your opponent to get him to place his chips to the pot.

4. Continuation Bet: The Continuation Bet is showing strength before the flop, most frequently with over cards. Oftentimes you will miss the flop, but continue to show strength through betting, as if you have a real hand. The recipe to successfully pulling off the continuation bet is to limit your opponents down to one or two at the most. Here is the rule of the continuation bet: If you make a pre-flop raise, you must bet after the flop. Period. This includes when you do not hit your cards. Do not be one of those morons who raises with Big Slick before the flop…only to check after the flop when it comes out garbage. Players who do that are faint of heart.

5. Squeezing: You squeeze when you think someone is on a flush or straight draw but does not have it. Raising in this circumstance may keep the player from staying in the hand, not wanting to put at risk his stack on the likelihood of missing his straight or flush. Be careful, unless you already have a strong hand, this type of poker betting strategy could fail.

Try putting into practice these five Texas Hold’em betting strategies and watch your Holdem game improve.