Tag Archives: chip

Collecting Las Vegas Casino Chips

New collecting hobbies pop up all of the time around the globe. One collecting hobby that is seeing an increase in participation is Las Vegas casino chip collecting. Most people get started in collecting casino chips by accident. When people visit Las Vegas they sometimes forget to cash in the left over casino chips before leaving town. Over time most build up a little collection and think nothing about it. Casino chip collecting is an addictive hobby as Vegas casinos are forever releasing commemorative and limited edition chips all the time. At the same time, old Vegas casinos are being knocked down and replaced with newer and glitzier gambling casinos. This makes casino chips from the older casinos rare to find. Over the years these will become vintage casino chips and will be harder and harder to find. Poker chips and regular casino chips mostly come in regular denominations from one dollar on up. Most of the extensive chip collections focus on face values of one hundred dollars on down. Many collectors have cases designed to display some of there rarest and oldest chips in their collection.

When you begin collecting, I suggest visiting as many casinos as you can and at the very least pick up a dollar chip from each casino you stop at. A good twenty dollars is nothing to budget aside to pick up these gems. Make sure to stop by the Hard Rock Casino as they are constantly releasing chips of upcoming events and musical acts. There are also many stores and shops online that sell casino chips. Ebay is also becoming a fantastic trading ground for collectors around the world. there are chip collecting organizations forming all the time and can be found very easily on the internet.

So next time you are booking a trip to Las Vegas, make sure to set aside some luggage space and cold hard cash to dedicate to your casino chip collection. It is a great gamble and their is a good bet they will increase in value down the road.

Live Roulette And French Bets

One of the attractive features about the roulette table in casinos is the many different types of bet that you can make to keep the game varied and interesting. These bets can even vary from country to country, with certain types of bets allowed in the United States casinos and different types in European casinos.

For most, the roulette wheel can be an intimidating area of the casino. For this reason, many gamblers will stick with the well known types of bets that can be made directly on the table. However, if you want to impress the crowd that you are with on casino night, try calling a couple of French bets out to the dealer. French roulette bets are one of the variations that you can explore in many European casinos, and consist of a number of different types of bets that can add to the fun and excitement of the game.

You have to ask the dealer to place the French bets as they are on the wheel and not the table, the dealer will know what to do. One of these types of French roulette bets is the voisins du zero.

The term voisins du zero means “neighbors of zero.” This is a nine chip bet that is placed as follows: two chips on zero, one chip on 4,7 split, one chip on 12,15 split, one chip on 18,21 split, one chip on 19,22 split, two chips on 25,26,28,29 corner, and one chip on 32,35 split. Your return will vary depending on the number that comes in on a voisins du zero roulette bet. This type of bet has a high chance of winning, at 45.9%. The house has an advantage of 2.703%.

Orphelins are another type of special roulette bet that you can make. The word orphelins means “orphans,” and the bet consists of one chip placed on one, with eight orphans placed at four splits along the wheel. One chip is placed on 6,9 split, one on 14,17 split, one on 17,20 split and the last is on 31,34 split. With an orphelin roulette bet, you have a chance of winning exactly 24.7% of your bets.

Neighbors bets are very useful and a player should know how and when to use them. Here is an overview of two different Neighbors roulette bets. “Neighbors” bets are the numbers to the immediate left and right of a winning number on the roulette wheel. The XX and the Neighbors is a bet where you pick a number on the wheel and it covers the two numbers either side of it on the wheel, this usually requires 5 chips for each number as you are covering 5 pockets. So the next time you find yourself in a European casino, facing off against a roulette wheel, why not try something different and try out a French roulette bet, they may not increase your odds of winning, but they will make you look like a seasoned gambler and your friends are sure to be impressed with your knowledge of the game.