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A Quick Guide To Online Poker Tournament

Poker comes in a large numbers of deviating forms, and nowadays as online casinos take the field to get hold of your gambling session. Online poker is now a universal online casino game that can be played anywhere and at anytime, its popularity has given rise to many different types of online poker games such as Omaha, Texas Holdem, Seven Card Stud, Better High-Low Stud and other impressive online casino poker variations offerings.

How Does It Play?
Your goal is to stay in the online poker tournament and continue accumulating a sturdy sized chip stack to put up a rising blinds, and knock out other players along the way. You are given a starting chip stack, and blinds will start at very low levels. However, If the tournament doesn’t allow rebuys, you are eliminated from the online tournament after losing all your chips.
It depends on the number of eliminations at certain tables,you may be moved to a different table during the online poker game to make sure that each table has the same number of players and a similar average chip stack and also depending on the payout structure and number of entrants, a certain number of players will sooner or later make it “in the money”, which means they have turned a profit from their buy-in. Let’s say, the online poker tournament that has a $5 entry and a 200 online poker players will have the prize pool of $1000. However, the prize pool is not only for the only one winner, rather it is distributed to a small group of remaining players who make the money.
In some online poker tournament, has an entry fee from the poker players. The money that are collected from the entry fees are added to the prize money. There are some online poker tournament that doesn’t need an entry fees to participate, however, the online poker players here only compete for the “points” to enter to the online poker tournament with prize.
There are some online poker tournaments are encompasses a multi-table types where you will start first with a fixed number of chips, then, start eliminating each player at the table by winning a maximum hands. With the number of players reducing in each table, the remaining players are told to keep the remaining tables full. This continues till the last few players end up at the final poker table. Another version of multi-table online poker tournament is the “shootout” where players dwell at their tables till a single player is left standing at a table.

Online Poker Tournament Rules
It depends on other online poker rooms regarding to their online poker tournament rules. In UltimateBet.com, the rules in their online poker tournament and the following actions are considered to be inappropriate in their online poker rooms:
Collusion with another player or any other form of cheating, collaborative or otherwise.
Agreeing to check a hand when there is another player all-in.
Telling anyone your hole cards before a pot is complete.
Needlessly slowing down during the online poker game.
Attempting to provoke a player to leave or quit a game.
Selling your playing chips for cash.