Tag Archives: chess

Online Chess: Technological Achievement of Internet

Chess is famously known as the game of minds, the comprehension of opponents’ strategies, and mathematical thinking. History would also be a manifestation of how Persia used chess to change the world even up to now. In the past, chess was only played by the high classes of the society. But in our contemporary time now, chess is now played not only by rich people but also by the masses which comprise mostly of our society right now. This is now a game for those with overwhelming passion and this is now played transcending the barriers brought about by educational pedigree and social standings. This is also the way of how golf and tennis used to remove the sigma that societal whims imposed in playing a game.

Unlike other sports and games that we know, chess can be played over long periods of time. Others would also say that we can actually play chess with different partners while staying at home and at the same time ensuring that the other board of chess that they are playing is till safe with other opponents. There was also a time in the past that would show that you can play chess without your partner or opponent being actually present in the scene by playing while both players are actually on both sides of the phone. With this in mind, there came a lot of technological innovations that would make chess transcend different barriers so that it can be played anytime and anywhere without actually thinking of how your partner would play with you because of time and distance.

Because of the proliferation of internet chess online, we are able to find competitors for us to be able to play against them and at the same time make new friends and learn new ideas with them. In the past, these things can only happen during chess meetings and conventions. But with the use of the internet as an immediate tool, we can now play with people all over the world without moving a mile. Because of the fact that we can play chess online, there is no more need for other requirements of playing it especially physical interaction.

Indeed, internet made all things possible for us. The once so impossible things now become so reachable because of the benefits that internet gives us. With this in mind, we can actually say that indeed, chess has proven itself as the king of all games in the world. What more could we ask for?

Casino Games: Poker Intellectual Component. Part Three. (Page 1 of 2)

Similar advantage can be also achieved in poker. To the position advantage in poker we can refer the factors of your position with relation to your opponents, the availability of varied membership and the number of opponents continuing the tournament, your aggression, the size of opponents’ stacks and so on. From all of the arts of poker the most important is the creation and realization of position advantage. Here it is as important as in chess.

The conclusion is that an intellectual analytic effort is present both in chess and in poker but they are not alike as the position advantage differs in quality.

The third type of an intellectual effort is connected with the analysis of the part of a game situation which is not connected with the game process itself. This type includes taking into account the psychological peculiarities of the duel.

Strictly speaking, this psychological element is not as widely used in chess, mainly because of the game information which is fully open to both opponents.

In poker the psychological element is very important indeed. It provides almost the half of success of the player. The restricted type of information in poker makes the players only deducing it and it can be done only by observing your opponent. And here you meet a great chance to misinform or manipulate him or create the psychological pressure upon him, and etc. We can name at least three aspects of a psychological element that are often used by experienced players.

Firstly, it is watching for the “signs” of an opponent and the “sings” that you send him. Secondly, one uses the continuous assessment of the psychological state of opponent. Thirdly, one may cause the psychological pressure upon the opponent in order to impose one’s will on him.

To summarize the aforesaid we can say that both games are intellectual fights but their profiles differ. From the three component of an intellectual effort – logical, analytical and psychological, the most important ones in chess are the first two while in poker the last two. But the analytical component dominates in both the games, which is quite understandable because these two games are intellectual.

And finally there is the last comparative observation. In chess, the role played by psychology, is far less important than the role of logic and analytics. Chess in this sense appears as the game of spirit. Irrespective of the state of mind the player must and can find the way to victory, with this way not depending on human feelings and emotions. Chess is the philosophy, the game of aristocrats of a soul.

In poker the role of psychology is more important especially in comparison with logic. The moral state of the opponent, their feelings and emotions not only influence the course of game but change the way to victory. In this sense poker is a game of plebeians, the battle of human passions.

Both, philosophers and plebeians, we are all human. Moreover, in our life in turns we become these and those. Both the games are beautiful, both are worth your attention under condition that your intellect needs a check in a battle with equal ones, in other words, under condition that you are a human being.