Tag Archives: chance

Play Craps with Winning Bets

As long as one is able to pick out the craps table, have sufficient chips at hand to place a bet and roll a pair of plastic dotted cubes across the table without taking anyone’s eye out, one thus knows how to play craps. However, the rub lies in knowing how to win at craps as most times, eager players tend to enjoy the roll without having first a strategy in mind. Essential homework needs to be carried out in order to achieve some understanding of what the game entails. Although it certainly sounds simple enough as a pair of dice is cast to spell the fate of players and their bets on the table, there is plenty for further consideration.

Since this game does not entail cards, there is therefore no need to count cards in hopes of ascertaining what is left in the deck and predicting possible hands of the dealer. Akin to its sister sport of spinning a wooden wheel and watching where the little white ball lands, this game is pretty much left to chance. As gambling is essentially a game of chance, this epitomizes the spirit of the sport to a tee. With such bleak prognosis, one may ask as to the purpose of indulging in how to play craps if there is no possible means of securing a chance for victory. As much of the outcome is reliant on which side of the dice faces upward, one may as well pack his bags and call it a day as the chance of an ideal conclusion is one in six. Since these dastardly dice travel in pairs, the chances are obviously of diminishing capacity. Whatever theorems one may apply to determining winning pairs, there are surely better things one can do with his grey matter to avoid headaches as well as wallets of equally diminishing capacity.

As majority of players do not rub shoulder with the cirque of probability theorists and statisticians, a strategy on how to win at craps is within clear reach as the pot of gold at end of the rainbow. Rather than dwelling on the unattainable, focus on tried and tested methods courtesy of gambling gurus. Due to extensive research on the gambling circuit, some bets recognizably give the house a winning edge and are to be avoided at all cost. Others allow players wriggling space and cause a see-saw effect of lowering one side and raising the other. Pick bets which reduce the house edge and essentially increase the player’s.

Poker Strategies: "Limit" Your Losses (Page 1 of 2)

Playing Limit Texas Hold’em is quite a bit different than the No Limit games you see on TV and requires a much different strategy in order to be successful.

The first thing you need to learn to accept, especially in low-limit games, is to leave your bag of poker “tricks” off the table. Bluffs are nearly useless in Limit Hold’Em. The reason being that a player will almost always have the required “pot odds” to call with even mediocre holdings.

Remember, in Limit Hold’Em you are only allowed to bet predetermined amounts based on the current blinds. Given that restriction, your opponents will often have odds of 6:1 or higher to call down to the river. If they have hit the board remotely well, they’ll call, figuring they’re getting the right price to take the chance. This is especially true of low-limit ring/cash games and low buy-in Limit Tournaments.

That being said, Limit poker is probably the best for a new, or novice, player to start. There are advantages; More play for your poker dollar. Limit Hold’em gives the beginning player a little protection from the consequences of making a wrong play. Making a decision doesn’t have to cost you your entire stack if you’re wrong. If you get involved in a pot you really shouldn’t have, you aren’t very likely to be pot-committed. You have the chance to realize your mistake and get away from a bad hand. The main drawback to No Limit Hold’em is the same thing that gives it it’s massive appeal. The dramatic swings of fortune make for a great deal of excitement. Unfortunately for the novice, this means that they could make just one mistake and be “excited” right to the rail. Playing within your comfort zone is also much easier in Limit. If you know how much you are willing to risk, it’s easy to find a Limit game that will give you plenty of time to play, and a chance to score a decent win, without being overwhelmed by the action.

OK. You’ve decided on a comfortable limit, built up your bankroll, and you’re ready to get started. What’s the best way to approach a Limit game or Tournament?

Firstly, Tight is Right. This applies even more to Limit games than No Limit. You should only come into a pot with premium hands. Playing “cute” hands like 67suited are more likely to get you into trouble than they are to pay off big. The only exception is when you are in late position and there are several players already in the pot.

Second, position, position, position. Pay attention to your spot in the rotation of table action as well as that of your opponents. Hands that are playable in late position, or on the button, may very well be mandatory folds early.

Third, limps are for wimps. NEVER open a pot for a call. Always raise. If you take the advice of only playing premium starting hands in Limit, you will understand the need to show strength to limit the number of players in the hand to lessen the chances of getting out-drawn. It’s ok to call from late position (occasionally) when there are others already in the pot in order to camouflage the strength of your hand.