Tag Archives: cash

Free casino cash – How to ensure that you too get to enjoy this

Nowadays, it has become quite clear that you would ideally want to go in for free casino cash, if it ever was an option for you. Hence, it is necessary to perhaps look into how this might be a possibility and whether or not you can actually be lucky enough to take advantage of it. Well, there are a couple of things that you might perhaps want to think carefully about if you seriously want to enjoy this option. Listed below are some of the things that you could perhaps put to use.

The thing about free casino cash is that although a lot of casinos promise to provide it, only a handful actually comes through with it. Hence, it is necessary to perhaps identify this and be sure that you are going to get the cash for sure. One way that you can ensure this is by reading some of the reviews that are out there. Once you have read these reviews, you might be in a better position to perhaps think about whether or not you are going to get the free cash or if you have to go elsewhere for the money.

Alternately, you can also confirm your free casino cash by reading some of the terms and conditions and being sure that you have satisfied the ones that are listed under the free cash clause. Hence, unless you are able to completely satisfy these claims, you would want to think twice about whether or not the casino is in fact giving you the cash that is rightfully yours. The embarrassing fact would be if you have not satisfied one or more of the terms but are still demanding for the money. Hence, it is best to avoid being in such a stage.

Finally, it also pays to check out your free casino cash by looking at how you can make use of this cash. If there are a number of rules that severely restrict the usability of the cash, you might want to address it right away before it goes out of hand. In this manner, you can be rest assured that you are not going to end up with cash that is not really as useful as you might imagine it to be. Thus, in this way, you can be sure that you too can stand to gain from this particular option.

4 Tips to Winning Double or Nothing Tournaments

Double or nothing tournaments are much different than normal poker tournaments because they have a very unique payout structure. In a double or nothing tournament half of the players in the field double their buy-in and half lose theirs. The fact that so many players cash combined with the fact that there is no difference in prize amount between first place and the last casher means the strategy for these tournaments is very unique.

Tip 1 – Play Tight in the Early Stages of the Tourney At this stage of a double or nothing tournament you want to play very tight and only play big hands. The less experienced double or nothing players will likely be playing a lot of hands and you want to let them. If you do find a good hand you should play it aggressively in order to keep from allowing your opponent to suck out on you.

Tip 2 – Maintain Your Stack through the Middle Stages In the middle stages of a double or nothing tournament the blinds will start to increase and you will need to steal blinds on occasion to maintain your stack size. You can’t have your stack getting too small at this stage because you want it to carry you through the later levels.

Tip 3 – Survive the Late Stages In the late stages you should just be focussing on surviving. At this point there will be about two-thirds of the field remaining which means there will only be a few more busts before you cash. If you have a big stack at this stage you should just hold onto it and not risk any chips when you don’t need to. If you have a short stack you will want to compare your stack size to the other short stacks and if you are in a non-cash position you should get aggressive and try to gain some chips. If you need to get aggressive you should try to use your position to your advantage and you should also attack the blinds of the medium sized stacks. These players with about an average stack at this point will be wanting to fold their way into the money and you can take advantage of this by stealing their blinds.

Tip 4 – Avoid Coin Flips in the Early Stages In double or nothing tournaments it is best to avoid coin flips in the early stages because they are negative expected value. This is simply because if you lose the coin flip you’re out of the tourney and you lose the buy-in, whereas if you manage to win the coin flip you just have double the amount of chips and you aren’t even guaranteed to cash. This theory holds true only because the top prize you can win is only double your buy-in and by winning the 50% coin flip you haven’t even guaranteed yourself this cash.

Double or nothing tournaments are a grind and once the non-experienced players go out in the early rounds it all comes down to who can best adjust in the late stages and get the cards when they are needed.