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Texas Hold Em Poker Strategy – 12 Steps To Success

This Texas Hold Em Poker strategy is an easy game for any beginner. Read this article now to learn how.

Texas Hold Em Poker can be understood quickly and the more one plays, the quicker and better he grasps the nuances of the game.

It is played with a normal deck of 52 cards. Many poker rooms offer beginners, tables where they can practice and play for free.

Once the players are confident of themselves, they can start playing on real money tables. There is also the option of practicing online, where one can avoid details like shuffling, dealing etc.

Texas Hold Em Poker Strategy – How The Game Is Played

The game is played, as detailed below:

1 – First the players place blinds or antes for the game to start, which is called posting.

2 – A standard deck of 52 cards is then shuffled.

3 – Two cards are dealt for every player which are placed face down. These initial cards are called pocket or hole cards.

4 – Then the betting starts and similar to most poker games, the players are allowed to call, raise or fold.

5 – After the round of betting, the dealer then removes the first card (called the burn card) from the deck, to prevent cheating.

6 – The dealer opens the next three cards and puts them on the table (face up).

7 – Any player can use these cards along with their own cards to get a poker hand.

8 – Another round now begins with the players betting, starting again from the person who is to the dealer’s left.

9 – After everyone has given his bet, the dealer flips one card, called the turn. Many times the bets double at this stage.

10 – A card is burnt by the dealer who places one last card on the table – called the river. Players are allowed to use their own cards plus any of the cards on the table (totally 5 cards).

11 – The player who has the best hand is the winner. At times there may be a tie where players split the money.

12 – A player who is confident of his cards “raises” the bet, the one who is not sure “folds” and the game ends with the “show”.

These are the basic steps you’ll need to conquer to utilize any profitable Texas Hold Em Poker strategy. Please continue to learn more about Hold Em so that you can make money playing this fabulous game.

Party Poker Player

The game:

Poker is a popular card game played at casinos and even online. The game involves players holding one or more cards with their values concealed. The players place their ‘wagers’ into a central Party Poker pot. This pot then becomes the prize of the player or at times players, with the best combination of cards. The central poker pot may also be awarded to a player who makes what is called the ‘uncalled bet’.

Types of Party Poker:

• Video Poker: This is a single player game that is most often seen in casinos. The video poker is quite like the slot machine. There are a number of video games that use poker hand rankings.
• Card Poker: This game has a number of variations. The standard method of playing applies to card poker too. A card poker game involves the specifications of the card values, hand values, the exact number of betting rounds and the actions taken between rounds.
• Draw Poker: Draw poker is a game in which the players are dealt a complete hand. They then improve what they have by replacing the cards.
• Stud Poker: In this type of poker, each player is dealt a combination of face-up and face-down cards. The distribution is within many betting rounds.
• Community card poker: In this game, the incomplete poker ‘hand’ of each of the players is combined with the shared ‘face-up’ cards.

The Party Poker strategy:

The right to deal a hand is generally via tokens called buttons or bucks. When playing poker at a casino, the dealer handles the cards. A button or a plastic disk is rotated to indicate the order of betting.

The game involves one or more players who are required to make induced bets to create a stake. It is for this stake that all the players contest. The poker dealer shuffles the cards well and cuts the pack. Thereafter, the players are given the appropriate number of cards, one at a time. The way the cards are dealt largely depends on the type of poker being played.

Some Party Poker terms:

Betting: After dealing the cards, the game that follows and the calculated awards are called betting rounds.

Bluffing: When there is a possibility of winning a central poker pot, without disclosing a hand, it is referred to as bluffing.

Poker hand rankings: These are the primary features of the poker game that distinguish one from the other.

Show down: In the final betting round, if more than one player is still remaining, then there is what is called a showdown. Here the players reveal their hidden cards and evaluate their hands.

The Party Poker future:

The introduction of ‘online poker’ has now enabled players from around the world to play with one another. The ‘hole card camera’ poker is another variant of the game that has contributed towards it becoming a spectator sport, with viewers being a part of the drama synonymous with Party Poker.

There has been a surge in the coverage of Party Poker events and the professional players are now more like celebrities. There are dedicated Party Poker fans all over the world who have optimized the camera exposure now associated with the game. This has ushered in a new dimension to the Party Poker game.