Tag Archives: board

Cold Calling: A Hold'em Discussion

Definition of a cold call- It’s one of the most ominous thing you can see in a hand of hold’em. A player raises, another reraises, and then a third guy decides, “Eh, my hand’s so strong, I don’t even want to reraise; I’m just going to cold call this bet.” The cold call is usually symbolic of massive strength in a hand, especially from an experienced player. To put it in perspective, look at how the hand has to be viewed from that players perspective. Okay, a guy raised in early position to 3x, then another guy popped it to 10x. I have a hand that I want to see a flop with, but don’t mind having the player who originally raised call or raise; I’m just going to call this. What kind of hands fit those criteria? If it’s a tight, solid player, it may only be AA or KK. If it’s a thinking, looser player, it may include Ax suited, 33, and other random junk that retains the scariness of the cold call. Understand what the cold call means from player to player is important in how you proceed against the cold caller.

Playing against the cold caller- Let’s look at a river example in no limit hold’em, determining what kind of hands we need to play against the cold caller. The board on the river is 3s8hAh7d2h, putting the flush draw on board on the river. You hold A8o for top two pair, and have been betting the entire way, with two player calling your flop and turn bets. You elect to fire a river bet. Your first opponent raises you, and your second opponent, a solid, tight player calls a bet and a raise cold. What sort of hand do you need to call this bet, and what sort of hand do you need to raise this bet? First of all, your two pair is essentially worthless due to the cold caller; the raiser is trying to tell you he made his flush, and the cold caller sees this and says, “Hey, I don’t care, my hand is STILL good enough to call with here.” I would be folding sets and the 45 straight here against a solid player without any other information, and would only be inclined to call with flushes above the 9. The only hand I would ever consider a three bet with is the pure nuts, Kxh, as it’s just far too likely that one of your opponents is holding that precise hand, given the board. That’s how much power the cold call wields; be wary when you see it.

Cold calling: Your usage- You also may use the cold call as a play in your arsenal, but it needs to be used with caution. Many times, you may think a hand that you should fold can become a cold calling hand if you think your original opponent is weak; don’t make that mistake, because between the raiser and the cold caller, as a rule, someone will have some sort of hand that is represented on the board. If it’s three flush, I’m not cold calling without a weak flush. 8910xx? 67 becomes a cold call, as well as 1010, while 89 becomes a fold. Use it to plant a firm ground on the amount you’re willing to invest in the hand.

9 Foot Shuffle Board Game Room Set Critical Overview

When you catch yourself wistfully thinking about shuffleboard, you’ll find that there is a good chance that you have lots of good associations that go with it. For instance, you are going to discover that shuffleboard is a game that is often played on board cruise ships and at the best of the breezy resorts, but you will also find that with a little bit of time and effort that you can bring this pleasure home with you!

More and more people are realizing that the joy of shuffleboard, the relaxing quality of the game along with the pleasant associations that go along with it, can be brought home with them, and this is where you will realize how the importance of the 9 Foot Shuffle Board Game Room Set comes in.

To really get a good feel for what the 9 Foot Shuffle Board Game Room Set can do for you, you will find that you need to think about the most relaxing tropical vacation that you ever took, or ever wanted to take. Think about not having a thing to do and being able to follow any whim because you are on vacation.

You don’t owe your time to anyone, and perhaps for the first time in years, you’ll find that you can stop and have a a great game of shuffleboard with some good Shuffle Board Equipment with a friend or loved one as often as you like! This is the kind of leisure that a lot of people associate with shuffleboard; it’s fun for the young and the old, and you’ll find that it can help you recreate old memories or that it can help you come up with new ones!

With that in mind, you are going to find that there are a number of different options in front of you, but that the 9 Foot Shuffle Board Game Room Set is a Shuffle Board Table that you should definitely consider. For instance, you’ll find that while you really might not be able to head off on a tropical cruise whenever you want to, this Shuffle Board Court Game is perfect for home use.

You can bring home a little bit of that piece of mind with you, and you’ll find that if you are looking to get beginners into this terrific game that this is great Shuffle Board Equipment to do it with. The construction is quite sturdy, and you can expect years and years of reliable and dependable surface. You are looking at a beautifully elegant top of kiln-dried rock maple and the markings on this wonderfully sensuous surface have been applied with silk screening before being covered with seven coats of lacquer.

Chances are, you are more than a little bit disappointed that you can’t take the tropics home with you, but don’t worry. One of the best ways to recapture your island paradise is to bring some of the activities home with you, and this is a great way to do it. Take some time and really consider how the 9 Foot Shuffle Board Game Room Set can serve you, and practice for your next vacation!