Tag Archives: bingo uk

Play Bingo UK

To play bingo UK style, the cards are much different than cards played in the United States. The United States version of bingo is played on cards that have 5 vertical and 5 horizontal rows for a total of 24 numbers and a free spot in the center. In this type of bingo there are 75 numbers available for calling for all the different games available. To play bingo UK style, there are also a few games online that use this type of card and only 75 balls. For the most part, to play bingo in UK there are 90 balls available to be called and the bingo cards have a 9 by 3 layout where 15 numbers and a free spot are shown on each face. This is considered a standard game, as each card face has the first column with numbers from one to ten. The second column contains numbers from 11 to 20 and so on.

90 ball bingo allows a person to play bingo UK style online and in halls, and is played in 3 stages: one line, two lines and then a full house. A one line game requires a player to have a complete horizontal line on any one face, where a two line game requires two lines in the same manner on any one face. The full house game requires all of the numbers on a face to be marked off. There are many online sites as well as bingo halls that have each of these stages included in their 90 ball game.

When a person wants to play bingo UK style online, there is a feature called auto daub as well as best bingo card sort or even bingo card highlighting. The auto daub watches the numbers being called and automatically daubs the numbers on the card for you, so you don’t have to search out the numbers if you are running behind. This is commonly used when a chat feature is available, so no number goes unnoticed. Best bingo card sorting places the cards in order with the card being the closest to a bingo at the top of the screen. This allows you to see how many numbers you lack of having a bingo so you don’t miss your opportunity to win. The bingo card highlighting highlights the cards that are close to having a bingo so that you are able to see the cards more easily, and make finding the cards closest to bingo easier.

To play bingo UK style online some sites will require you to pay for cards. There are times where some sites that normally charge for cards will have free play and allows those who are not members to try the site for free. Free bingo cards can be found on many sites at the point of sale, meaning that when a person buys a certain number of bingo cards they will be rewarded with a certain number of bingo cards for free as well.

Free Bingo UK

Free bingo UK style can be found on many online sites as well as in many halls. There are many online directories for free bingo games available in UK, but it is important to know the laws and which sites are on the white list by law and can legally advertise their business in the UK. The white list can be found on the gaming commission’s website for perusal at your leisure. Reading through the terms and conditions of a website prior to joining a game will alert you to any law conflicts or wagering requirements ahead of time so no unlawful acts take place on your part. Since a bingo site is only required to conform to the laws of the country they are based in, this does not mean they have to abide by UK laws but as a citizen you still must abide by local laws. Therefore it is imperative that terms and conditions be read thoroughly.

Most free bingo UK games online offer prizes instead of just a way to pass the time. The prizes range from monthly drawings for those who participate to preloaded cards with credit on them or even prize hours being offered with keepsakes to choose from. This goes along with the actual prizes for each won bingo game that range from a few cents worth of prizes, up to more lucrative pocket change prizes such as televisions and other expensive items. There are many popular sites that offer smaller and larger prizes, while some offer no prizes and allow a player to participate for the fun of the game. Depending on the site you choose it is best to read through the frequently asked questions section to find out about how prizes are awarded. Some sites are sponsored sites that offer prizes from UK based entrepreneurs and therefore the prize could be a gift certificate to their shop. Others simply give vouchers for cash at many different locations, so it is wise to read about how prizes are awarded prior to playing.

Free bingo UK games online are much easier to find than in a bingo hall. Hall games generally charge for the cards you will be playing, and the proceeds of each game go to a charity or for fund raising for community aid. The free bingo UK games online allow a person to pay no fees or club charges, but simply log on and play the game as long as a player wishes. Hall games only generally last for a few hours and one must pay the card fees in order to play. The choice to play in either type of game is up to the player, as playing in a hall makes one a part of a community project and allows for being neighborly. Playing free bingo UK online games allows a player to be involved from home with no outside influences and no one nearby to cause confusion during game play. Whichever you choose, be informed about the prizes at stake and your stakes for playing.