Tag Archives: bingo promotions

Some Facts you Must Know about Bingo Bonuses

Bingo promotions are a great way to attract new players. These bingo promotions are of various types including bingo bonuses, free bingo cards, festive offers and so on. In this article we will talk about bingo bonuses and five facts you must know about it.

1. No matter how much deposit money is awarded to a player, bingo sites pay out the same amount to everyone.

Most sites pay out about 70 percent on the real money. Hence, going card by card, the more the bonus money involved in the game, the lower the average effective payout for each card.

But this doesn’t hurt much as players can purchase more cards and they know they will receive the same bonus amount that everybody else does. This is true and false at the same time. More details on this later.

2. You cannot redeem your bonus money against cash: Winnings, deposits and bonuses are three different things, which have no connection to each other whatsoever. A player first exhausts his winnings, then his deposits and lastly his bonuses.

Some bingo sites allow players to redeem their deposits, but most sites often don’t allow this.

3. Players may lose a part of, or, whole of their bonuses while redeeming: A lot of bingo sites confiscate your bonus money or reset it to 0, whenever you redeem it. Although a notorious way to discourage cash outs, it also lowers down the average bingo bonus money in the game, which in turn improves the payout per card.

4. Bonuses have a shelf life: Some bonuses expire if not used within a particular period of time. Usually bonuses expire within 30 days or so. Some bingo bonuses are a part of special bingo promotions and must be exhausted before that promotion expires.

5. Bingo bonus is hogwash, however with plus point: Bingo bonuses are deceptive. For first, you can’t redeem them, and secondly you will receive the same percentage of payout, despite of the bonuses. Believe it or not, most of the added value of the huge deposit bonus is a delusion. What’s more, bonuses are designed in a way to discourage you from cashing out your winnings, and to exhaust your deposit and winnings before your bonus become invalid. At times, these bonuses even arm-twist you into making huge deposits. Furthermore, winnings usually don’t arise out of your bonus money, making it more expensive to play with winnings instead of deposits.

Despite of these negative points, bingo bonus has a plus point too, that is, whenever you don’t make cash out, when they get their bonuses penalized on redeeming, or let is expire, they inadvertently reduce the bonus money in the game, thus making other money in involved more valuable.

Bingo-promotions.com is a comprehensive guide to help you find the best bingo bonuses around the web. For latest bingo offers, bonuses, jackpots, bingo promotions and more, visit us!

Bingo Promotions UK

There are many bingo promotions UK sites offer in order to get a player involved in the game. There are many sites that offer information on the most popular bingo promotions UK sites offer. Most of these sites are updated on a weekly basis so a player has all the information needed to find the highest payouts and best prizes across the internet that are available to UK residents.

Bingo promotions UK style includes such things as Friday night games where large prizes are offered for little or no deposits at all. Others offer UK games of bingo every weekend that allow for large prizes and the chance for your picture to be posted on the site if you win. Jackpots are generally higher during the bingo promotions, UK residents can find them as large as one million depending on the site and day of the promotion.

Bingo promotions, UK bingo jackpots as well as coverall games for large tangible prizes can be found every day of the week for the person who searches the web. One site in particular offers the chance for you to pre-buy your cards in order to be eligible for a monthly scramble and a chance at a large monetary worth prize. Some bingo promotions include giving 100% bonuses on every deposit made in a month’s time when advertised, while others offer this for one weekend a month. A 42 inch flat screen television can be found on one site as a bingo promotions UK style prize. To win these larger prizes, many sites will require a player to participate in a big prize game or to buy a certain number of cards prior to the drawing to be included. Most all of the bingo promotions UK prizes that are offered are available to those who are members of the site and not a guest. So in order to win any large prize, you must be a regular site member and more often than not, a paying member.

To win some of the largest monetary jackpots, certain games must be won during a specific time frame. For example, a coverall with less than 52 numbers being called would be a stipulation of winning 3 million to spend any way you choose. But many sites require that certain games be played tournament style, meaning that they are played at a specific time and on a specific day in order to be entered into the jackpot rally to win the money. For those that simply want to win money and not have to pay a cent to enter, it will be hard to find these sites. There are sites that offer free bingo play, but they normally only offer small monetary winnings as well as inexpensive prizes in order to stay free. If you want larger prizes and more exuberant monetary gain, you will find that all sites offering this in the UK require a deposit be made and kept at the site in order to continue playing.