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Maximum Gain with Minimal Effort On The Poker Table

Gambling establishments clamor over one another to lay out the best online poker bonuses simply for the main reason of enticing players into their den. Since one can enjoy this card game in any setting ranging from the local dive to extravagant hotspots sporting a little slice of Europe, there is therefore no reason to switch seats, much less websites. By dangling the proverbial carrot of top poker bonuses online players supposedly cannot afford to pass up, many do not mind popping back and forth between a few favored websites. As playing online allows one to easily swap tabs as compared to physically running in and out of gambling halls, players have no objections to frequenting a handful of these sites.

Since these bonuses sound like the best invention to fire, they must certainly be snapped up once gambling websites release them to the public. It is however imperative to understand that these best online poker bonuses can only be claimed upon application of the relevant code. As such, it is best to scour the various websites and make a list of the good ones for comparison and further scrutiny. Some bonuses claim to match dollar for dollar the amount put up for deposit by the player. Others may offer a lesser match whereas supposedly more generous quarters may grant a multifold bonus. Whichever the case may be, the cash bonus added to one’s account is only released upon a stringent set of rules being complied to.

Most times, a player is expected to play a certain number of raked hands before a cent of the bonus sees the light of day. This is mainly to protect the interest of the house as allowing players to immediately redeem the awarded bonuses is akin to shooting oneself in the foot. Once the player qualifies with the specified number of hands, the bonus is released in controlled quantities and not as a lump sum. This is meant to maintain a continuous bond between player and house as the former keeps coming back in hopes of the latter releasing more.

Whilst big bonuses spell bigger wins, they also equate to more time spent in play. As such, opting for smaller bonuses may be the magic formula for regular folk to achieve top poker bonuses online as they need not work so hard to see returns. High stake players may not fret themselves with the nitty-gritty as antes easily achieve the needed figures in no time.

Roulette Strategy

Roulette Numbers Rule or how are generated roulette numbers in an online roulette game. By Money Maker Machine.

Most of you played online roulette and all you know that after you press spin button the casino generate for you a new number.
Only small amount of players suppose how this can be done and know that this is related to RNG that represent computer software that is responsible for random number generation process.

Before to start describe this process I want to remember to all that we have two types of casinos: land based and online.

The random number generation process differs between land based and online casino so all I will write here will be related only to only roulette.

Why online roulette?
First of all because Money Maker Machine Community performs investigation of processes happen in Online Roulette also because between all generated numbers we have rule we can investigate and which is described by a formula.

On the core of each roulette number sequence we will have some rules and this mean each of them will make the best distribution of numbers for current sequence that always will tend to an ideal distribution.

What mean ideal distribution?
So as you know the proportion between blacks and reds will land in a roulette numbers sequence should be always 50/50 and this we will call the ideal numbers distribution rule.

In real games this proportion tend to 50/50 but never is 50/50.

Example: I checked our database with prerecorded numbers from a real roulette game so I found there next info.
Landed Reds=9800
Landed Blacks=9570
Landed Zero=400
Total numbers=19770
So for this example the distribution between blacks and reds will be next 49.57/48.40

Can we have cases when the distribution can be more then 50 for any of the colors?
Yes this can happen but this case is not for the players but for RNG Engineers whose goal is to develop for the players RNG’s.

So if this will happen then any engineer will say that this is not a good RNG and will modify it in order to have a good distribution.

Ok we get even to this but not this is the goal of this article.
Here we should talk also we should prove that exist one main rule that generate numbers for players.

Once this rule exist this mean we have during whole sequence a dependence between numbers so this will mean present depend from the past and future will depend from the present.

Believe me this is how work any of the online casinos and the player who can use this advantage is for sure a winner.
Because he can investigate the past and know the present and all he should do is to predict the future.

Yes this may be hard to believe for a simply player but if you will run one of our products you will see this.
For this fact I will recommend to check RNGSGEN – software which’s goal is to generate RNG functions and to investigate generated numbers. The best news is that you will not analyze only several millions of numbers like the so called Pro Roulette Players prove to do but you will analyze whole sequence of 4294967296 numbers and this mean whole circle.

Yes whole circle because this is the way is build this world and this mean every thing has a beginning and an end.
For more information visit the official Money Maker Machine website!
Also you could find our web site in big search engine like that: Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista… The keywords are: roulette tool, money maker machine.

Written By Money Maker Machine Team.