Tag Archives: betting system

A Free Guide To Best Horse Racing Tips

It is the dream of every horse race bettor to be winning a lot of cash on the system. Unfortunately this is not the real situation and one does not get to take home cash always. The need of every person playing the horse betting is to have a perfect system that gives only winning tips always.

Due to the complexity associated with horse trading it requires one to spend a whole lot of time and energy. Despite one taking so much of struggle there is no sure shot tips for winning the horse race. Hence there is nothing better than looking for a trustworthy site to give out these tips to you on a daily basis. In this way you will get all the information in a very professional and accurate manner without the need to have any prior esoteric knowledge.

One can utilize the services of the authorized betting advisory so that the erroneous belief allied to its betting system can be eliminated. The promoters of these websites also provide one of the best sports betting advisory services for free to its members. Look for such sites on the internet that give these helpful tips for free to its members in UK.

The losses can be reduced to a certain extent by undertaking the stake to a little considerable extent. A horse betting system involves a lot of probability and risk and hence requires one to follow a lot of caution while investing money in this system. In this situation where so much of risk is involved with ones money the best thing is to go for the free horse racing tips available online.

A site that has good reputation for the best customer feedback and also previous winning bets must be chosen by you. These sites must entail information from various sites for presenting a better choice for its clients. You should subscribe to the sites that have survived for some years and give out these tips without charge. The website giving out the tips must have had more or less the maximum number of wins. The tips given by them should be trouble free and stress free to make use of. Though these strategies may be too good it also requires that you make use of your prudence and efforts to learn the tricks of the system.

If your idea is to have the pleasure of winning this game with lot of money then you must certainly follow these tips.

97% Winning Rate By Betting (Page 1 of 2)

When The Sports Betting Champ System is reviewed on the basis of cost, you will see that it is a sports betting system that is very cost effective. When you review its’ cost compared to the costs of getting the same type of information elsewhere the difference will stand out. To get the same type of reliable information elsewhere you only have a few options and they are all quite expensive. The only truly reliable options are going to a professional sports handicapper or purchasing statistics sheets and using that information to determine picks. Both of these have downsides, the first of which is the cost and with the statistic sheets time also becomes a major downside. There are of course the same old unreliable sources, such as free picks on the Internet or out of the local paper, by trying a “free” system , or using your old system that has never really worked.

First, lets start with The Sports Betting Champ System. It has a one time cost of just under $200 at the time of this article. Now that may seem like a lot of money, especially to the occasional sports bettor, but it is actually a small amount. For that cost, you get the sports betting system developed by John Morrison, who has a PhD in Statistics and has developed this system over many years. You can then use the system and its parameters to make picks that have won at a great percentage over years, not months. You also get picks emailed to you by John Morrison, so if you choose not to run the system yourself, you can just use the picks that are emailed to you. So, basically you get a winning sports betting system and emailed picks, both for only one payment and both with no expiration and almost no time required if desired.

Now lets move to the services of a professional sports handicappers. There are a lot of these types of services available, so the first thing you need to do is to spend a lot if time determining which handicapper is the one to go with. This could be easy, as they all seem to have great records and make tons of money, but you should follow up on some of the claims. So, after you determine who seems the most accurate about their claims you can then look at the costs.

Do you remember when I said that just under $200 for The Sports Betting Champ System was a small amount? Well now you will understand why. Most of these services charge at least $300 and some over $500 for one season of picks for one sport. Or, they will offer you one day of picks for $20 to $30 so you can try out their service. For this cost you usually will get anywhere from 1 to 5 picks per day on the sport that you paid for. From the research that I have done, most of these services claim to win anywhere from 60% to 70% of their picks, with some claiming higher. For the cost of the service, you will need high winning percentages to cover the added cost of the service. Then, you will have to pay again for the next season and again if you want to bet on another sport.

The other method is to purchase statistics services and use their sheets to find picks. There are actually 2 downsides to following this method. The first downside is the same one as using the sports handicappers. To get the detailed information from a reliable source will cost you about the same as using a handicapper. Although you do get information for more then one sport, you are still going to pay at least $300 for one year and up to $500 or more for premium services. Now for the 2nd downside. Time and a lot of it is needed to go through and analyze the information on the sheets. It is often overwhelming, as these are the same types of sheets the pros are using. Unless you are doing sports betting full time or if have been a sports bettor for a long time already, this is going to take some time. It will probably take you at least 4-5 hours to get a few picks. This is now something you will have to do every day and pay for every year.