Tag Archives: better

What Percentage Of Races Does The Favorite Horse Win?

As a general rule, the favorite will win about 1/3 of the time, but what is amazing is how often the favorite will place, especially when less than half of the field is 5-1 or lower. In this case a favorite will place almost 100% of the time.

In order to win a horse race, you might want to predict the winner by using statistical calculations instead. In a race with 20 runners you have a 1 in 20 chance of picking the winner. However, let us say that the race has just six runners, then you have a 1 in 6 chance of winning. Thus, you can see that the fewer the runners there are, the better your chances of winning. Therefore, it is statistically speaking, a bad race to bet on. The key point: is stay away from horse races where there are lots of runners!

In a race with only six horses running, you have a 1 in 6 chance of picking a winner. However, bookmakers/tracks usually only offer poor odds if you bet place or show on such a horse. Of course, if you placed a win bet and the horse does win, then you will come away with lots of money. You really need odds of at least 4/1 to win anything if the horse that you bet on places second or third. Of course, this is providing that you placed a place or show bet. If the odds are less than 4/1, then I suggest passing such a horse race.

In my opinion, the secret of winning on the horses is to look at the statistics. I suggest that you choose horse races with nine runners and 1/4 odds on the first three, or six runners with 1/4 odds on the first two. Thus, I suggest that you limit yourself to horse races with either 6 or 9 horses running to have the best chance of winning.

Thus, the question asked is if you should bet on the horse most likely to win? Sometimes the answer to this is “no”. Often the odds on the horse most likely to win is poor. Remember, when you use this system, you are making your predictions on the odds. Thus, place your bet around 20 minutes to race time.

If the horses just below the favorite have better odds, such as 4/1, 5/1 or better; then place your bet on those horses. Remember, that your horse only has to come in the first three in a six or nine horse race for you to come away with a profit. And do not forget, the horse still has a chance of winning too. For this reason, I do not always place my money on the horse that is predicted to win. Look at the odds being offered and if they are better on the second or third horse, then go for it.

As one can see, it often is better to bet on a horse you think is going to place. The reason being that the odds are often better than the favorite winning the race.

Why does the horse predicted to place actually wins so many races? Maybe because the favorite usually only wins 1 in 3 races. In 2 out of 3 races some other horse wins.

For Fun Play Baccarat

Baccarat has been around since the 1400’s… If it’s been around this long, you better believe it’s a fun game! 🙂

One of the greatest aspects of Baccarat is that it’s such a simple and easy game to learn. It’s way more simple than poker or keno for example. That’s why if you’re looking for fun – play baccarat!

Baccarat – in its essence – is a game of chance. So when you’re playing baccarat for fun, don’t get too hard on yourself. Your main focus when you’re a baccarat beginner is to practice and keep learning. This way you build your baccarat skills over time and you become better and better. If you keep improving on a regular basis, you’ll become a baccarat expert in no time!

A recommendation I have for to learn baccarat in a relaxed, easy and fun way is to start by playing baccarat online. You can have a blast by playing with baccarat players from around the world – all from the comfort of your home computer. This also means you can have a baccarat “cheat sheet” with tips and techniques right next to you. That’s something that you can’t do in regular casinos but that’s a definitely luxury playing online gives you!

I really suggest that in your first games of baccarat online, focus on getting the feel of the game. Maybe make a small deposit. Get a feel of the flow. Don’t jump in and bet hundreds in the beginning! Make a small deposit and just get used to betting with baccarat and have fun playing online!

Another great tip to make sure you have a fun time with no stress is to set winning and losing limits when gambling on baccarat online. Save some for a rainy day. Remember you’re playing baccarat on the internet to have fun!

I’ve given you some ways to for fun play baccarat here and if you want more resources on how to play, definitely check out the resources I’ve also listed here. Always make sure to keep your baccarat face on and keep it lively!