Tag Archives: better

HOW TO WIN POKER…Is there a sure way?

Not really. There are a lot of variables to consider before throwing your money down. As poker is very popular today and a favorite game to play among Americans, one may ask, if there really is a sure way to win at poker.
The answer is simple. Study and check out these guidelines, try them at poker time and see for yourself.
Before starting to play the game, keep in mind these simple suggestions:
If you are playing online.
*Inspect the site. Make sure that it is authentic.
*Read the terms and conditions of the site. Check the maximum payouts and the minimum bets.
*Allocate a budget for the day. That budget will determine how much you are willing to
lose or to win in the game. Stick to the limit.
*Do not gamble if you can not afford to lose.
*Practice playing the game. Familiarize yourself with the game first before you play for
real money.
At the table, here are some warnings that you should always remember:
*If you do make a big win, do not be greedy, stop. Making a big win and gambling it all
over again is a big sign of greediness. Poker is a game of runs, you may be winning but the
cards change and you could end up losing your stack. Try to recognize this before you lose.
*In poker, overall winnings are what count most. If you are losing, or have already lost
your allotted money for the day, don’t try to win your losses back. You won’t. Stop.
Tomorrow is another day.
*Drinking alcohol is a big no no at poker time. It can serious affect your judgment. So
stay away from it while on the game.
*Never take side bets. Usually these are just gimmicks, so that more money will go to the
*Never gamble your hard earned money unless you are very much ready to lose it.
While in the game, here are some important ideas to think about:
*Gaze at your opponent’s eye. Survey all their moves. Observe them, to better know them.
This way, you will fear them less. You will learn after awhile to read other players and
guess what they have in their hands. Look for tells that may give away the strength of the
hand. This way, you will know when they are bluffing or not.
*Play in silence. Have that conversation with your self as well as think deep to your
opponents actions. Concentrate. Don’t get caught up in alot of trash talk. This only
alienates the other players and makes you look foolish. It’s better to let the cards talk.
*Base your decisions on what the reality is. Always know your “outs”. Before calling or
folding ask yourself if he missed the flush or made his straight. Take your time and think
rationally. See all movements as they are. Do not fear, instead, be calm and assess their
moves accordingly.
*Don’t take it personally. At the poker table, it is always unavoidable that your opponent
can irritate you. Know that there will always be the “bad beat”, and the suck outs. Never
give in to such responses. Stay within the good game. Be cool and objective. This is a
bluffing game. But do keep in mind that just because your opponent has bluffed earlier, it
does not mean that he does all the time. Think tight. Review each move.
*Think about what your opponents have. Create a situation. Did he hit his flush? Did he miss his straight? So when deciding, you’ll have a better chance to be right.
*Know when to stop. Is the hand that you are raising now the hand you folded a while ago?
Are you have trouble reading the cards? Just take a bad beat? These are all signs that you may be on tilt. This is a sign that you should go home.
*Play to enjoy. Do not play if you are sad, bored or tired. If you can’t play having
enjoyment as your goal, then don’t play at all! And remember to go “ALL IN”

Inverted Lottery System Review

If you want to win the lottery with 7 tickets or less, then read this now.

You have to understand two most essential theories in the lottery games if you want to win more in the lottery. The first theory is what I name the frequency theory. The frequency theory is a tried and tested theory that the numbers that have been the most common in the past results are also going to most likely be the numbers that will potentially hit in the next drawings. Now, this is not just some theory that someone made up out of the blue. But it is a theory that has been tried by real data based on the lottery results of the past.

A lot of individuals may be surprised by the idea of the frequency theory because they think that all numbers have the same chances of making in the lottery game. But in reality, reports have consistently shown that certain numbers have better success than other numbers. That’s why you need to lean towards choosing the so called hot numbers instead of selecting the cold numbers.

The hot numbers are the numbers that have been the most frequent in the past results. The cold numbers are the numbers that have been the least common in the previous results. So there are two categories of lottery systems. Some methods encourage you to focus on picking the hot numbers because those schemes follow the frequency theory.

The frequency theory basically means to go out there and select the hottest numbers because those hot numbers are most likely going to win in the future. That has been well tested and a lot of lottery experts have discovered through realistic lottery results, that picking hot numbers does work better than selecting any random numbers.

The second area of thought in the lottery methods is the theory that you should choose the cold numbers. This concept is based on the law of averages theory. Reports have also shown that the law of averages does in fact prove to be true as well.

So it is efficient to select numbers that have been the least common in order to have success in picking the winning lottery numbers. Studies have revealed that choosing either hot numbers or cold numbers is better than picking any random numbers. That is why it is so important to consider the winning numbers of the past and based on those numbers, choose your own lottery numbers.

If you go by the frequency theory, you need to select the numbers that have been the most frequent recognized as the hot numbers. If you want to go by the law of averages theory, you wish to select the cold numbers.

Both schemes work. But my study has shown that it is even better to implement both theories into action. That means you need to choose your lottery numbers from both the hot numbers and the cold numbers to achieve maximum success in the lottery. Therefore, instead of just going for one type of numbers, implement both hot and cold numbers. I have seen many people use this concept to have much more success than choosing from one type of number.

In fact, I have used this same method to get 4 out of 6 numbers. So if you wish to have great success in the lottery, start selecting the hot numbers and the cold numbers starting now. Then, you will see that your results in the future for the lotto will improve dramatically. Good luck and I wish you great success!