Tag Archives: bet good

No Limit Hold’em Small Buy-ins On Short-handed Tables. Turn And River. (Page 1 of 3)

The turn & river are the most expensive streets in Texas Hold’em. Mistakes you make in these stages can lead to big loses, but you could also gain a big profit. First, you should carefully read the articles about pre-flop – flop game to make fewer mistakes on turn – river. This will help you figure out how to play in various situations.

How to play when your cont bet has been called on the flop and your hand has not improved.

If you are not in a good position, the best advice is to play check-fold in this circumstances. Sometimes you could keep attacking on the turn if you have noticed your opponent uses floating (calls a cont bet in a good position, to win the pot when you check on the turn). You may come across players who go all-in just because they have an extremely good hand, for instance: AK. They have no top pair but they can’t lay it down even on the turn (This portion doesn’t make sense, but I don’t remember the Russian site address to check the meaning.) They are satisfied with the hand as is and don’t seem to be too concerned about improving the hand. Don’t follow that lead, as it can be a big mistake.

If you are in a good position. Fold if your opponent makes a bet and check if he checks.

If you find yourself in a situation with no combinations, you should fold and just get out of the game. Don’t pay attention to the size of the bank, even if it’s very big already. Instead, you should stay calm because you don’t want to lose more money.

Premium hands (AA and KK) on turn – river.

A re-raised pot is not going to be considered here. See the article about games on the flop.

If you made a cont bet and the contender called your bet.

If you are not in a good position, you should play check-raise if your contender often floats. In most cases, the best idea is to continue the attack with a bet 2/3 the pot.(If you have & 1050;& 1050;, play the same way as with AA if there is no ace on the board). If there are three suited cards on the turn, play bet/fold against one opponent. Bet approximately 1/2-2/3 of the bank. You will probably want to check or fold if you are playing against two contenders.

If you are in a good position, you’re playing against just one person and he checks, you shouldbet 2/3 of the bank. Sometimes you may be afraid of investing more money on the river, because the pot is already quite big and you may think you can win the pot without additional risk, but this is a typical mistake. When you don’t get the full possible amount of money it means you also lose. We would recommend you always bet in a good position when your opponent checks. Be careful though, if the board has four straight or flush cards. Fold if the contender checks/raises on the turn. The only exception is when you have special notes on the opponent or when the contender has a short stack and you are to complete a small sum.

Play more carefully against two or more contenders. You need to pay close attention to what combinations are on the board—looking out for particularly strong ones. There may be more players wishing to catch you by playing check-raise. Check on the river if both opponents call your bets on the flop and turn.