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Glen Hooke Analysis

Many authors of lottery systems are not actually players, Glen Hooke is. Being a player is what led him to create the Formula One Lottery system. Glen Hooke’s story could happen to anyone who wants to succeed at winning the lottery. But unlike many others might have, he took advantage of it.

Like most of us, Glen Hooke was just an everyday person. Although he loved to play the lottery, his success rate was not very high. While determining which numbers to pick, he tried the same things most players do. He would ask members of his family what their lucky numbers were. He would use lines and diagonals that looked good on paper.

Glen Hooke would also put all the numbers on pieces of paper and pull them out. Dreaming numbers at night was another method he would try. These and other methods have been tried by most of us.

Doubting what he was doing, Glen Hooke wondered if he was just wasting his time and money. Because he was down almost $28,000, he got to the point where he considered quitting playing. An encounter by chance changed his life and maybe even yours too.

At a bar one night, Glen Hooke sat down next to a man he didn’t know. As the lottery drawing began on TV, they both started checking their numbers. Hitting only one number, Glen Hooke felt down as usual. He noticed that the man sitting next to him began to smile as the numbers were revealed.

Glen had to ask him how he did. “I got 5 out 6 numbers” the man told him. Impressed, Glen asked the man how much money he had won. The man replied that he hadn’t actually won any money. It was just a hobby to find out how many correct numbers he could choose the man stated.

Needless to say, Glen Hooke began to question him and found out that he was a math professor at a university nearby. The professor admitted he was using a formula that he had developed that would produce the winning numbers in 8 of 10 games. The man stated he had developed his formula after spending over 27 years compiling information on over 50 games played throughout the world.

Working as an IT expert, Glen Hooke saw at once he could use this formula and create a winning lottery system that could benefit thousands. This could benefit not only his own playing but also help countless others.

Finally after weeks of conversations, Glen Hooke convinced the professor to allow him to use his formula. After using it, he knew that it could be great success by combining the formula with his knowledge of being able to develop software. And right he was.

For the next 5 years, Glen Hooke hired computer programmers to help design his system. It turned out to be a very complex undertaking. They had to take the professor’s 27 years of content and make it into what Glen envisioned. He and the professor decided to do a field test with a group of randomly chosen players and record the findings.

Because the findings were so successful, their work became known as the Formula One Lottery System. Their information and research can now be used by everyone. We can all learn from and use the remarkable story of Glen Hooke to our advantage.

History Of Bingo Games

If you’re a fan of little bits of trivia, or a fan of bingo, or both, you might be interested in learning a little bit about the origins of bingo and its evolution into the games we know today. This article takes a look at important events in bingo history, purely for your entertainment.

The origins of bingo. Bingo can be traced to Italy, where it began in the 16th century. The date given for the first ever bingo game is sometime in the 1530s, played in a weekly Italian tournament called “Lo Giuocu del Lotto del D’Italia”. This game is still played every Saturday in Italy. The first bingo game was the 90 ball variety instead of the 75 ball variety we play in North America.

The game was eventually picked up by the French, who perhaps believed that the name gave a little too much glamour to the actual game because they shortened it to “Le Lotto”. It was widely played among wealthy Frenchman from 1779 onward.

The Germans take Le Lotto to a whole new level. The educational potential of bingo was first realized by teachers in Germany, who began using the game to teach children basic concepts in math, spelling and history. By this point in bingo history, the game had spread throughout most of continental Europe.

Bingo comes to North America. Bingo didn’t take root in North America until the early 20th century. It was commonly played at county fairs across the United States, and the first known game was played at a carnival in Atlanta in 1929. Beans were used as markers in the early stages, and so the game was known as Beano. This changed in New York when someone playing the game yelled “Bingo” instead of “Beano” and was overheard by a toy salesman. Edwin Lowe heard the accident, developed the game as a toy with the new phrase, and the phenomenon was born.

An important part of bingo history is the game’s continued role as a fundraiser for many different organizations, including churches and charities. An interesting piece of bingo trivia is that the game first gained widespread popularity after it began to be played in churches. Today, the game is played in casinos, churches, bingo halls, at schools, and online. The simplicity and the social aspect of bingo mean that it will always be a popular game all over the world.