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A new spin on Chatroulette

One of the fascinating things about the internet is the speed with which some new sites take off. One minute, you have this tiresome start-up calling itself Facebook, the next everyone has an account. In this context, the rise (and rise) of Chatroulette is all the more exciting. We’ve all been chatting and skyping for so long we can’t remember. Webcams have been standard pieces of kit, turning up to allow machine-to-machine video conferencing and to show all kinds of interesting activities when they are planted in unexpected places. So adding in the gambling element completes the picture (as it were). At one level, you could describe the site as your chance to meet new people, except these people could be doing absolutely anything when random chance connects you. In a conventional world, everyone participating would sit calmly in front of their PCs, wearing all their clothes and a welcoming smile. Unfortunately, the randomness and anonymity of the system encourages people to slide towards pornography or voyeurism depending on your inclinations. A remarkable number of people seem prepared to get naked and show off their genitals, or dress up as animals or apparently conduct weird social experiments by giving viewers curious instructions. It’s the more sane people who hit the news. Ben Folds has been singing us songs, and a new celebrity is running a primitive gambling scam.

Chance can now connect you to a live dealer offering roulette and blackjack. If you are inclined to play, our mystery croupier gives you his PayPal address and, with a deposit made, the game of your choice begins. You can play for as long as you like. If luck is not with you, topping up the PayPal account is quick and easy. But something that should be not unexpected happens if you tire of this amateurish show and ask for your winnings. The croupier reaches for the “Next” button and disappears from your screen. OK, so let’s take two steps back. You were prepared to part with your money to a complete stranger. Well, now’s your chance to learn all about the PayPal contract. You have a record of the payment(s) made so, in theory, you can get your money back. Although you will look a fool, you could also report this sad episode to your local law enforcement agencies. They would be delighted to spend time tracking down this guy. But there’s a much more interesting question to ask.

The majority of jurisdictions around the world regulate gambling. Online casinos must have a licence. So, Chatroulette is allowing someone to run casino games without a licence. In many jurisdictions, this could make Andrey Ternovskiy, Chatroulette’s owner, liable to one or more criminal offenses. If our mystery croupier’s activities are small scale and PayPal is able to recover most of the money paid into his various accounts, it’s unlikely any country will take action against Chatroulette or its owner. But if the volume of pornography rises, the police might get increasingly interested in trying to shut the site down (or block it) which would also take down these unofficial casino games and the scammer behind them. There does come a point when, for better or worse, governments step in and take down some of the fun sites. Politicians and moral guardians never seem to have a sense of humor about anything.

Live Online Roulette Strategy

Playing roulette on the internet can be very entertaining; the thrill of taking a bet and making a win is a great feeling. For this reason many roulette players search online trying to find he best live online roulette strategies only to be confronted with a bunch of systems that people want you to buy off them. Because roulette is a game of chance no one can really guarantee you anything, if this was true the casinos wouldn’t make any money and the game would be removed. A good live online roulette strategy is to stay away from these systems as you can find virtually anything you want to online with a bit of perseverance.

In a game of complete chance planning a strategy does not always work, but with a bit of careful observation, playing and money management you can improve your odds. There are many different live online roulette strategies to choose from but the first and most obvious one is to pick a European wheel to play on. This is because the European roulette wheel has one less zero pocket on it than the American wheel with its double zero’s, this means there is one less pocket on the wheel to worry about.

The oldest roulette strategy came about around the same time as the game back in the 18th century, the Martingale system works on two theories, the first part suggests that you can’t loose all of the time for ever. For this reason if a bet is lost it is doubled up next time so eventually you will win and get your money back. This live online roulette strategy is one of the best but can have its faults as you can soon reach the tables betting limit in which case you end up loosing. When using this system it is a good idea to start out small and watch for any patterns. As an example the theory suggests red can’t loose all of the time, so if 5 or more than 5 black numbers have just come out you could start using the system on red.

Because roulette is such a fun game it can make the time pass very quickly, so another live online roulette strategy is to set yourself a playing time limit, if you have not made a profit in your set time then maybe lady luck isn’t with you that night and its time to stop playing, however if you have made a profit you can finish the game on a high.