Tag Archives: amount

Sports Betting and Effective Money Management

How do you know that you are spending too much money in a game? Only a long term player in the field can only understand the amount of money you should spend on sports betting. Yes it will really depend on you financial stability and the amount of money you have kept aside for sports betting. The recent studies show that 99% of people are betting too much. There are people spending more than 20% of their bankroll on a single game.

A person having knowledge of sports betting will never risk such an amount. Think that you are offered 10% advantage on a bet of 500 bets. Normally all people will take that bet. There can be 55% winners in the game over a longer period. So when you are spending $100 per bet will end up with $5000 at the end of the game and you earn some easy money in six months. If you are subjected to follow a constraint that limits you to play no more than $500 and suddenly you ran out of money.

You are actually being forced to play above your bankroll. You are virtually sure to go bankrupt in such a situation. You may be able to reach the 55% threshold in the long term but you cannot do anything in a short term basis. You may have to go through 5 to 10 bets without getting any returns. This will be increased to 2 to 18 during the 500 bet sessions.

The limit of 20% from your bankroll will certainly put you in danger and a sensible person will never commit to such constraints. But it is commonly seen that most of the betters are taking this constraint. They play by betting too much of their bankroll. It is seen that that the house wins quite often. From years of experience in sports betting one can easily understand the house wins often because you are investing too much in a game.

Basic Run Through Of Texas Holdem Poker Play

Texas Holdem Poker is considered to be the best type of poker game. Owing to the thrills and money-making possibilities, Texas Holdem Poker is gaining popularity rapidly. Much of the craze for Texas Holdem Poker play can be attributed to the fact that it is a very simple card game.

The players are given two faced down cards each, which are termed as pocket cards or hole cards. This poker play is followed by community cards, which consist of five faced up cards. In the last round of betting, the players should use all the seven cards judiciously.

After the two pocket cards are given, three faced up cards are placed at the centre of the table. Known as flop, such cards help in strengthening the hands of the players. The betting takes place after this. The fourth faced down card, also known as the turn card or the fourth street, is dealt before betting starts again. The final round of betting takes place after the fifth card has been dealt in the middle of the table. With this last card, known as the river card, players can choose to raise, fold, check or bet.

Small blind is a term used to refer to the nearest players on the immediate left side of the dealer during poker play. Big blind is used to signify players in the farthest position on the right hand of the dealer. To prevent themselves from folding and staying put in the game, the players must call the big blind. In Texas Holdem Poker, the player with the best hand wins the game. The standard poker hands determine the winning combinations.

Texas Holdem Poker often witnesses ties when the pot money is divided among the winners. This game allows three types of betting – Limit Holdem, spread Limit Holdem and Pot Limit Holdem.

In case of Limit Holdem bets, the betting amount is restricted to amount mentioned at the beginning of the game. In both the big blind and small blind, the amount of betting has to be pre-determined in the first two rounds. Players can increase their bets in specified amounts in the following rounds of poker play. The betting amount increases further with the river and turn betting. Spread Limit Holdem is similar to Limit Holdem, except that the bets are placed according to pre-determined ‘spreads’ instead of amounts. The term spread in Poker lingo means range. The maximum bet of a player is limited in the Pot Limit Holdem. The maximum amount should not surpass the total money in the pot.