Tag Archives: american

Roulette System

Roulette is completely a game of chance. It is known as one of the simplest as well as most exciting games found in the casinos worldwide. The players do not need to be skilled enough to play roulette. It is basically a particular type of table game and a large number of players can play the game at a time. Roulette basically consists of a spinning wheel and a series of number. These numbers start from the 0 (zero) and end with 36 or 37. As 2 distinct kinds of wheels are available at the casinos, the last number depends on which kind of the wheel it is. The European wheel has numbers from 0 to 36. On the other hand, the wheel consisting of the numbers from 0 to 37 along with an extra 0 is the American wheel. Due to the rising popularity of the roulette, various myths are being associated with it. As a result, the players have started believing in myths which supposedly affect their chances to make profits at roulette. A few of the common roulette myths that should be ignored are as follows:

All roulette wheels are same: Many roulette players around the world heartily believe that, the roulette wheel is not of 2 types. The rules, the odds and the house-edge are same for both the European wheel and American wheel. This is absolutely wrong. It is true that the European wheel is the best for playing, because comparing with the American wheel the odds of success for a player in the former one are better. European wheel has 37 slots and not 38, which means the house advantage will be only 2.70%, whereas on American wheel the house advantage would be 5.25% on every bet. So it is better to get the odds in your favor from the very beginning, by playing on the European wheels.

Every roulette wheel spin is not random: It is a common belief that, in roulette one spin invariably affects its consecutive spins. It is said that over time many roulette players have found that if the ball lands 10 times consecutively on red, there is a high chance that the ball will land on black in the next turn. This is also a wrong concept. However, it is one of the most common roulette myths that are widely rumored. The truth is that, the odds remain 50%-50% and it will be similar even if the ball would fall on red 30 times.

Though roulette is a game of chance, several fake roulette softwares, claiming the sure-shot success in the game are found in the market today. According to the users, these roulette systems are partly effective. Some of the reputed roulette systems are listed below:

R-Bet Winning Roulette Software – A large number of customers are satisfied with this roulette system. The R-Bet roulette software has proved its capability and credibility. With the help of this roulette system, you can make substantial profits for several times at the roulette table.

The Sure Roulette Method – This particular roulette system is one of the most popular and oldest systems around. The system is described in an e-book, which is good to read, but the system lacks some finer tweaking, to make it as profitable as other gambling systems available on the net.

Gambling Away To Victory

It is the era of the computer – the computer age. The computer has graced every home today and it is no longer a luxury but a bare necessity like any other house hold commodity. What the computer can do and can be used to do, knows no bounds and limits and like they say the sky is the limit! One very interesting thing that the computer can achieve though is the activity of facilitating working from home. Today’s youngsters want to change things and are very hesitant to stick to office routines and supervisor’s deadlines. They want to be free like the wind and make easy money at their own comforts. Gambling and making money on the internet while playing roulette is becoming an interesting and integral affair for such advance minded youngsters.

A Roulette wheel at any casino is a wonderful means of making money but how to win at roulette is really a matter to consider. A roulette wheel on a casino is an easy attraction to anybody to wants to make easy money. The only disadvantage of this is that there are no clear strategies to improve the progress in this as this is entirely dependent on luck and chance. This is not a brain game and there is no actual roulette strategies that can help you win more. Does this mean there are no workable roulette strategies that will improve the chances of making money on the Roulette wheel? Like we’ve seen above, it’s a chance game – but the intervention of the brain does definitely help the player to see more advantage of these as against the house. There are quite a few interesting things that can be done to improve our own odds while we play on the roulette wheel. These are some interesting pointers that can help you on how to win at roulette and make more money out of this chance game.

The first and the foremost tip on how to win at roulette – the American roulette is more disadvantageous than the European counterpart. So, choosing to play on the American wheel over the European one is a bad roulette strategy. If you ask why, the European wheel has 37 spaces which comprises on one zero, while the American wheel has 38, with a double zero space. That is the American wheel has 38 digits in total – with a zero and a double zero, whereas the European wheel just has one zero. This simply means that there is a 50% lesser chance for the wheel to stop at 0, when the wheel is spun. So while the wheel spins, there is double the chance of it stopping at a zero on the American wheel than on a European one. The casino houses using the American roulette strategy make about 3% more money than the European one.

Another interesting ploy would be to look for games that provide for En Prison or Surrender as an option is a very good roulette strategy. If you chose option of surrender you get to actually lose only half of what you bet, if you land in double zero. More importantly this applies to all bets – be it red or black, even or odd, high or low. As this enables us to prevent losing about 50% of the winnings, this proves to be an intelligent roulette strategy. When you chose this option and you land either on zero or on double zero when you spin, you stand to lose only half of what you actually bet. This applies to any bets – odd or even, black or red, high or low). Like discussed, En Prison is also an option while playing these roulette games. The option of En Prison lets the player take a second chance to spin the wheel. This is more or less like surrender and when you land on zero, the chips are put in prison – imprisoned. When the player loses, he places his winnings on the table (meaning they are imprisoned) and takes a second spin. The player gets another roll and if you land again on zero – tough luck and you lose, if you win, you get to have your earlier wins and the one that you just got. There is nothing more that we can if the wheel again stops at zero, unfortunately he loses out. But then if he lands on anything other than the zero, he stands to double win.

These are some of the ploys that can be used to turn this game of chance to the advantage of the player and win more and more. The more the merrier and the entire concentration of the player could be on winning more money at such chance games from the comfort of his home. This is one great way to make easy money in the world today!