Tag Archives: actually

Let's See Them Sweat!

In today’s ever-changing society, in particular with technological advances, it is easy to see why so many of us are becoming more and more introverted. What ever happened to playing board games with family and friends around the kitchen table on Sunday nights? How about playing video games side-by-side with friends, instead of competing against them online? There are so many instances were non-social interaction is becoming the “norm”. However, there are so many benefits of having that “human touch” while playing any type of game, for example cards. Let’s take a look at the advantages of playing Texas Hold’em poker at a real table instead of a virtual one.

As briefly mentioned above, having that social interaction with other individuals in a card game setting, as with Texas Hold’em poker, is quite remarkable. First, the possibility of making a connection and or friendships with other players at the table could happen more easily in person than online. Also, that gathering around the table feeling brings a stronger sense of the reality of the game, which brings in the factor of reading a player’s body language. The majority of playing Texas Hold’em poker lies within interpreting the signs of the other players. From facial expressions, various ticks and tells, all of which suggest various feelings and or emotions the other players are experiencing. From one hand to the next, if a player actually can see the other player, they could possibly read what type of hand a he or she could be holding.

Next, instead of just clicking your mouse around on your computer screen in a virtual game room, having those poker cards actually in your hand, stacking the chips in piles, gives a player a sense of presence in the game, again making the poker hand more of a reality for the player. There is also an important benefit of this actual presence of cards and chips, most players feel a sort of pressure whether or not to play a hand and more of a pressure to bet on it. At an actual table, you are visibly seeing to whom the chips are going. A player may tend to be more cautious whether or not to bet a certain amount due to the players involved in the game.

Overall the quality of the game and the entertainment it provides to the players is escalated, when Texan Hold’em poker is played offline. Let’s all slow down our place of life and get back to those good old days of making the other player sweat it out and actually seeing that player’s sweat run down their face!

Online Chess: Technological Achievement of Internet

Chess is famously known as the game of minds, the comprehension of opponents’ strategies, and mathematical thinking. History would also be a manifestation of how Persia used chess to change the world even up to now. In the past, chess was only played by the high classes of the society. But in our contemporary time now, chess is now played not only by rich people but also by the masses which comprise mostly of our society right now. This is now a game for those with overwhelming passion and this is now played transcending the barriers brought about by educational pedigree and social standings. This is also the way of how golf and tennis used to remove the sigma that societal whims imposed in playing a game.

Unlike other sports and games that we know, chess can be played over long periods of time. Others would also say that we can actually play chess with different partners while staying at home and at the same time ensuring that the other board of chess that they are playing is till safe with other opponents. There was also a time in the past that would show that you can play chess without your partner or opponent being actually present in the scene by playing while both players are actually on both sides of the phone. With this in mind, there came a lot of technological innovations that would make chess transcend different barriers so that it can be played anytime and anywhere without actually thinking of how your partner would play with you because of time and distance.

Because of the proliferation of internet chess online, we are able to find competitors for us to be able to play against them and at the same time make new friends and learn new ideas with them. In the past, these things can only happen during chess meetings and conventions. But with the use of the internet as an immediate tool, we can now play with people all over the world without moving a mile. Because of the fact that we can play chess online, there is no more need for other requirements of playing it especially physical interaction.

Indeed, internet made all things possible for us. The once so impossible things now become so reachable because of the benefits that internet gives us. With this in mind, we can actually say that indeed, chess has proven itself as the king of all games in the world. What more could we ask for?