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Internet Sportsbooks vs Nevada Sportsbooks (Page 1 of 2)

I was lucky enough to have been recently invited to participate in a night school class on sports wagering at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Las Vegas is one of my favorite cities and getting to talk about sportsbetting with a large group was a lot of fun; a big thanks to those who attended and endured my presentation! The topic I was asked to speak on was the difference between Internet sportsbooks and Nevada sportsbooks. I thought that might also make a good Frontlines topic, so here goes…

What are the Differences?

The single biggest difference between land-based books and Internet books is that there are no face-to-face transactions over the Internet. That difference is manifested in a variety of ways. First, with internet-based books there are no line-ups. Vegas books can process maybe 20-30 clients at a time, while Internet books can process thousands simultaneously. (Note: I know Vegas is now allowing some Internet betting from within the state, but based on people I talked to there, it has yet to take off.) And because there is no need to have people on hand to personally process every bet means that the Internet books have much lower costs per wager and they can pass this type of savings on in the form of deposit bonuses or reduced juice to bettors.

Second, with Internet books you can shop lines very quickly and act accordingly when you see a line you like. Going from the Mirage to Bally’s to the Bellagio to Mandalay Bay to check lines would take at least an hour, whereas you can check the lines at dozens of Internet books in mere seconds. You don’t have to drive through traffic, pay for parking, walk through the casino maze, and then wait in line to get a bet in. By the time you realize that the line you saw at the first book you checked was the best line after all, it is more than possible that the line has since changed! The Internet makes it very easy for you to get the best line on any event. When you consider that an extra half-point gives you roughly a 2% better chance of covering a football or basketball spread, you can imagine the compound effect of getting an extra half-point or full point on every bet over the course of a full season.

Third, it changes the way lines are moved. There is an old Vegas bookmaking mentality that you never move lines until you write action at that number (unless there is an injury or trade, etc.). For example, if the posted line at a land-based book was -6, they wouldn’t move to -6.5 unless they had action at -6 to justify the move. Moving to -6.5 because other books were moving their lines without action is called “moving on air”. The logic is sound when you can control the number of bets you take at a price. For example, if two bettors bet $1000 on -6, the bookmaker could move to -6.5 and call out the change to those standing in line.

With Internet books, there can be thousands of wagers placed inside a minute so you don’t have the luxury of waiting for action before moving every line. As our head bookmaker puts it, “It is better to move on air than to die from lack of it.” If the line is moving from -6 to -7 everywhere else, staying at -6 is risky. You are presenting bettors the opportunity to play for a side (bet -6 and +7 at the same time and profit nicely if either of those scores lands). Also, you will get a flood of favorite money and dog bettors will be looking elsewhere to get more points, and favorite bettors will see the value in your line. If a book was looking to get favorite action, they could do so with a line of -6.5 so comparing prices is a huge key in setting lines. Vegas books obviously does some comparison-shopping as well, but not with the same sense of urgency (this is changing with the addition of Internet betting though I am sure). This is the reason cell phones and pagers are not allowed in Vegas sportsbooks, they don’t want to facilitate line shopping or syndicate betting (where dozens or even hundreds of bettors bet the same line at the same time to take advantage of a line…a very big reality for Internet books).

Free Horse Racing System: Distance Changes that Produce Big Longshot Winners!

Gamblers and horse racing players are always furiously searching the Daily Racing Form and the Internet for that one piece of data that would be the Holy Grail of horse betting and magically transform them from losers to winners.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. There are many variables in each and every race that make such an idea out-of-reach. There are however, some tried and true handicapping angles that can put a lot of money in your pocket when you catch them.

No matter what, horse racing is horse racing, and there are some fundamentals that will never change. Trainers, owners, jockeys and many good handicappers know this and use it to their advantage. Here’s one powerful horse racing system you can use in Thoroughbred racing is distance changes.

Just because a horse is entered in a six furlong race today means he’s out to win. Many times this race is a prep for the next race at either a longer or shorter distance. So it always pays to ask, “can this horse win at this distance?”

Well, here are some sneaky horse racing distance changes that trainers pull off to put over big longshots. This leaves many uninformed players scratching their heads – while other astute horse racing handicappers are lining their pockets with cash – lots of cash!

Here are a few distance switches you should look for. Give extra consideration for horses changing distances from:

1.) 6 – 6.5 furlongs to a 1 Mile or 1 Mile 1/16th race

2.) 1 Mile race 1 Mile 1/16th race to a 6 – 6.5 furlong race

3.) 5 – 5.5 furlongs to a 1 Mile race (this is very powerful!)

4.) 1 Mile race to a 5 – 5.5 furlong race

5.) 2 – 6 furlong races to a Route Grass Race

6.) For Maidens: 2 – 6 or 6.5 furlong races to a 1 mile 1/16 or 1 mile 1/8 race (super powerful if combined with a drop in class!)

7.) 7 furlongs to 1 mile 1/16

8.) 1 mile 1/16 to 7 furlongs

Well there you have some super-potent trainer distance changes that can produce very big-priced horse racing longshots. Another thing to always look for a horse that is a big favorite doing one of these distance changes – and there is another horse in the race doing the same distance switch but overlooked in the wagering.