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Free Horse Racing System: Distance Changes that Produce Big Longshot Winners!

Gamblers and horse racing players are always furiously searching the Daily Racing Form and the Internet for that one piece of data that would be the Holy Grail of horse betting and magically transform them from losers to winners.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. There are many variables in each and every race that make such an idea out-of-reach. There are however, some tried and true handicapping angles that can put a lot of money in your pocket when you catch them.

No matter what, horse racing is horse racing, and there are some fundamentals that will never change. Trainers, owners, jockeys and many good handicappers know this and use it to their advantage. Here’s one powerful horse racing system you can use in Thoroughbred racing is distance changes.

Just because a horse is entered in a six furlong race today means he’s out to win. Many times this race is a prep for the next race at either a longer or shorter distance. So it always pays to ask, “can this horse win at this distance?”

Well, here are some sneaky horse racing distance changes that trainers pull off to put over big longshots. This leaves many uninformed players scratching their heads – while other astute horse racing handicappers are lining their pockets with cash – lots of cash!

Here are a few distance switches you should look for. Give extra consideration for horses changing distances from:

1.) 6 – 6.5 furlongs to a 1 Mile or 1 Mile 1/16th race

2.) 1 Mile race 1 Mile 1/16th race to a 6 – 6.5 furlong race

3.) 5 – 5.5 furlongs to a 1 Mile race (this is very powerful!)

4.) 1 Mile race to a 5 – 5.5 furlong race

5.) 2 – 6 furlong races to a Route Grass Race

6.) For Maidens: 2 – 6 or 6.5 furlong races to a 1 mile 1/16 or 1 mile 1/8 race (super powerful if combined with a drop in class!)

7.) 7 furlongs to 1 mile 1/16

8.) 1 mile 1/16 to 7 furlongs

Well there you have some super-potent trainer distance changes that can produce very big-priced horse racing longshots. Another thing to always look for a horse that is a big favorite doing one of these distance changes – and there is another horse in the race doing the same distance switch but overlooked in the wagering.

Learn Casino Craps: Fundamental Premise of the Game

As a gambler, have ever considered playing craps but were too terrified to even try? After all, craps is difficult and math-intensive, right? Wrong! It’s so easy even that insurance-company caveman can do it. Let’s take a look at the game’s fundamental premise.

The game starts with the first dice roll, which is called the “come-out roll.” After the come-out roll, the game continues until a “decision” is made based on the results of subsequent rolls. The possible decisions are: 1) The game immediately ends with the come-out roll if a 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12 appears (this is called a “natural”); or 2) If the shooter establishes a point on the come-out roll, the game ends when the shooter rolls the point number again before rolling a 7 (this is called “making the point”); or 3) If the shooter establishes a point on the come-out roll, the game ends when the shooter rolls a 7 before rolling the point number (this is called a “7-out”). Each possible decision has different consequences depending on how the player bets.

A “point” is established when the shooter rolls any one of six point numbers on the come-out roll. The point numbers are 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. Notice that all the possible two-dice combinations are covered by the natural numbers (2, 3, 7, 11, 12) and the point numbers (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10). Therefore, the come-out roll must produce either a natural number or a point number.

Remember, if the come-out roll is 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12, then the game ends immediately. If 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 shows on the come-out roll, then a point is established and the game continues until the shooter rolls either the point number again or a 7. Once a point is established, the only relevant numbers for that game are the point number and 7, in terms of a decision to end the game. All other numbers are irrelevant for that game. For example, suppose the shooter rolls a 9 on the come-out roll (i.e., the shooter establishes 9 as the point). For that game, the shooter can roll as many times as it takes to show another 9 or a 7. The shooter can roll for hours and the game will not end until the point number or a 7 shows.

If the shooter rolls a natural on the come-out roll (which ends the game immediately), then that same shooter keeps the dice and continues rolling the next game. If the shooter establishes a point on the come-out and if she then rolls the point again before a 7 (which ends the game), she keeps the dice and continues rolling the next game. If the shooter establishes a point on the come-out and if he then rolls a 7 before the point number (which ends the game), the shooter does not get to continue rolling the next game. Instead, the “stickman” passes the dice to the next player on the left. The next player is not obligated to roll the dice. If a player doesn’t want to shoot, he simply tells the stickman, “I don’t want to shoot.” The next player in line to the left who wants to roll then picks up the dice and a new game starts with a new come-out roll.

See how easy that is? Piece of cake. However, it does get a bit more complicated when making bets because you need to know how the result of each roll affects your bets. But that’s not too difficult either. It’s like learning to count to 5. Not only do you need to know the numbers, you also need to know the order of the numbers (i.e., 2 comes after 1, 3 comes after 2, and 4 comes after 5). It’s a bit challenging at first, but once you know it, you don’t even think about it. The same is true for all the various craps bets and their odds. Once you know them, you don’t think about them. So, don’t fear the game and don’t fear the math. It’s easy. Just like learning to count to 5 required a little bit of effort, a bit of effort is all it takes to learn the various craps bets and their odds. See you at the tables!